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Everything posted by Violentweatherfan

  1. He can’t even weenie anymore, I think he pissed off randy
  2. Both are too close for the circle of death during the 20th of feb
  3. @brooklynwx99 or @mitchnickwhat are the chances a SW follows the pattern and out to sea as depicted Edit: Wouldn’t we want the SW to track to the BM. Not sure it would be able to
  4. Lower Bucks County did well with this event. Much more than Central Bucks Area. I’d say at least double
  5. Email it to yourself, depending on what type of phone you have it might offer a file size selection
  6. I didn’t even bother parking my car in the garage tonight. That is the level of confidence I have with this storm.
  7. Weren’t they called Manitoba Maulers
  8. If anything this winter taught me to manage my expectations. Learned plenty about west to east based patterns, and not all -NAO are the same.
  9. Clippers can turn into Miller B storm. It wouldn’t be winter without them
  10. Exactly, to me they’re like a good summer thunderstorm. Edit: January 30, 2020 had an excellent squall/clipper
  11. The intensity is what make clippers special. I’d take a nice clipper over what we are about to get.
  12. I’m going with 1-3 for all of buck county maybe a loli of 4 inches. Warm air aloft is going to creep in. Forget the second wave, it’s all rain.
  13. They’re definitely benefiting from the west to east 500mb pattern and just enough cold air north without suppression. Without the cold MJO Phase 6 and 7 would be a torch
  14. Remember the SER, that jet stream might bring warm air with it
  15. Or just shove another TD down their throats
  16. You’re good. Even if KC offense miraculously comes to life their D sucks
  17. With these drives, eat the clock up and keep KC’s defense on the field
  18. Excellent video, skip to the 6:00 minute mark and watch till the 11:00 minute mark. Watch and digest the info and you won’t get sucked by weenie clown maps
  19. I think the Chiefs defense is suspect, it’ll come down to to coaching to see if the eagles exploit the KC defense.
  20. Yeah it’s not moving north, just the precip field is expanding. I wouldn’t put much stock into it
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