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Everything posted by kerplunk

  1. Kind of dead in here. Must not be any big sports stories.
  2. Picked up about .25” overnight, but only managed to get down to 12.6º for a low. Probably due to some pesky, local cloud cover. Just enough snow to hide the patchy ice underneath and make walking tricky.
  3. Also only got up to 33 here at 9:04pm. Now at 24.6.
  4. Light Rain/Snow mix here. 27.3º Heavier precip moving in from SW
  5. Could be, but she always claimed that’s what Alfred Wegener used to whisper in her ear when he was bangin her.
  6. Like my granny was fond of saying, “The road to hell is paved with good model runs.”
  7. Don’t have a wind station, but was awakened in the middle of the night by the windows rattling and walls making noises. This is very unusual for my place as it’s kind of sheltered and I rarely hear the wind. Mostly only notice it by the taller trees swaying across the road. So a strong gust must have blown through here. And it was quickly here and gone - at least judging by the sound of it.
  8. NBD - I could get that much from flurries and squalls, plus it’d be a lot more interesting to watch on radar.
  9. Haha…okay, have to agree with that. March 1993 stayed all snow in State College with high winds and some great drifting. If remember correctly, SC ended up with about 28”. Truly a memorable storm here and one of my all-time favorites for this location. Would shave been super bummed if it had ended as sleet.
  10. I’d be okay with 2-3” of snow from this. Providing it’s all snow. Call me crazy, but I only count certain types of snow events as actual winter storms/events. It has to be 2” or more and can’t end as sleet, ice, or rain. If it doesn’t match that criteria, it never happened.
  11. Stoker coal stove brings back a bad memory for me. Am sure what I experienced was due to an old unit probably improperly maintained. But I was living in an old house with a bunch of young hippies in Steamboat and woke up during the night with the house full of smoke from the coal furnace. The fire had somehow jumped to the stoker belt. Will never forget that smell. Probably lucky I woke up. Damn I miss that Steamboat winter and the snow! This was before Steamboat became a big-time resort and they didn’t plow the streets to the pavement. Remember a big horse drawn sleigh pulled a Christmas tree through town. Still pretty much a cow town with a ski jump back then. The resort was just being constructed and I was working in construction. Those were the days! Enough reminiscing. Sorry to go OT.
  12. Just scored a PS5 and here I am following an imaginary snow discussion. Must be nuts.
  13. Know what you mean. Did that a lot myself after the divorce.
  14. That looks really great. Back in 1986 I actually had an HS Tarm wood fired boiler imported from Europe and installed in the basement that was big enough to heat my whole place with circulating hot water. It used the catalytic converter principle and an insanely small amount of wood. Unfortunately, got a divorce and had to sell the place before I ever had a chance to use it. But it was really cutting edge at the time and would have saved me an awful lot of work compared to the individual wood stoves.
  15. Had very efficient stoves and rarely had to do that. That said, we did once live in a place where a jar of water would freeeze if left on the floor overnight, and we’d heat up stones on the stove, wrap them in towels and put them in the bottom of the bed for the night. That and long underwear along with ski hats made it downright cozy. Haha.
  16. Heated exclusively with wood for over a decade in a large log home with 3 wood stoves in the Montrose area. While I agree there’s nothing like wood heat on a cold morning and I do miss that, I don’t miss all the work of cutting, splitting, hauling, etc. - not to mention the dirt, chimney maintenance, etc. But I still get nostalgic when I walk outside and smell woodsmoke in the neighborhood.
  17. Eyeballing a good half inch here at 30º. Total surprise.
  18. Excitement now limited to mPing for me. Rarely disappointing.
  19. Hitting here with huge flakes. Wouldn’t call it a whiteout by any stretch. Temp is pretty warm at 35º so it’s not laying on anything as today warmed up surfaces pretty good even though the sun didn’t break through.
  20. Just shy of 1 inch here. Temp at 31º Nice to see some accumulating snow even if it did underperform.
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