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Everything posted by kazimirkai

  1. The op was a bust but the ensemble wasn't all that different from the 18z, still plenty of members near the coast, and more confident in a stronger system so its still seeing the phasing. Just shifted a bit east which can still change
  2. Irritating to even root for this one because I'm going to be at the AMS conference in New Orleans from the 10th to the 13th. I almost hope it doesn't end up being a huge event since that would be miserable to miss.
  3. I'm getting tired of this back and fourth its exhausting. Blizzard or bust pick one and leave me be
  4. Anyone here live on a boat off the coast of NJ? They might get dumped on with this one
  5. I don't like that quebec high I feel like this run is gonna have like no moisture inland. Certainly a good storm there though
  6. Ug should make some sort of page with all the definitions for new members. I get so confused on here with all the acronyms
  7. Don't all big storms have a bunch of moving parts that have to line up perfectly in a precise window? I've read the Kocin and Uccellini books and it seems the caliber of storms on some of the OP runs were never common. It's always taken a lot for them to happen. I don't have the benefit of lived experience though so Idrk.
  8. Is that an effect of global warming?
  9. At least with this sort of pattern the northern Greens get some significant up-slope totals over the next two weeks even if there are no systems. I don't ski but I imagine that would make someone happy
  10. Yeah I suppose it's pretty tough for SNE to get prolonged cold enough to freeze moving water. It happens pretty often where I am in the Catskills
  11. Checking out frozen waterfalls is always fun. I've been doing that since I was a toddler
  12. I find that even an inch of snow in January will stay on the ground for days on end so long as the temperature doesn't go above freezing. Sublimation happens pretty slowly
  13. What's wrong with increased banding? Is it just that it isolates high totals to localized areas?
  14. Me reading this having just turned 21 lol. I think I'm in the minority of this forum. I watched a show about centenarians at the beginning of the year and it seems like its a combo of genetics, a natural diet, consistent (not necessarily extreme) exercise, and positive mental health. I kind of believe the more urban your environment, the harder it is to live a long life. Also trying to actively reduce my meat consumption, not because meat is naturally unhealthy, but the overwhelming majority of the meat available in this country is far to processed to be worth eating over other sources of protein. Gym attendance is unsustainable long term. It's much better to find ways of working activity into daily life that's enjoyable outside of purely for the fitness. Hoping to commute by bicycle once I get to grad school and afterwards (cars are expensive, unnecessary, and environmentally problematic obviously).
  15. I'm in the snow hole SE of the Catskills and we get the down slope warming during all the NW cold air outbreaks and inland storm tracks that's only just starting to show up on climatology maps. It's annoying
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