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Witness Protection Program

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Everything posted by Witness Protection Program

  1. Jan 16-17th Boom or Bust Bold move, most other posters are predicting a Boom.
  2. And not going to get Governor Lame Duck Face to call up the National Guard, either.
  3. Yes, Google Maps Traffic is my very scientific go to for watching the changeover advance. Saves me time and tabs.
  4. Playing the vid gives a better sense of scale, doesn't fit in a single pic. Colorado probably needs to rewrite some of their building and planning codes if a fire can burn this deep into urban areas and subdivisions.
  5. Yeah, have a relative that has had to evacuate twice as the threatened areas move east. Pretty sure his home is gone, he saw the next street over go up.
  6. It's been awesome. Loved doing Christmas outdoors. Let's do it again next December!
  7. Tor warns popping up in Alabama. 2 now, plus earlier one southeast of Tuscaloosa and another in NE AL.
  8. The lie was that some workers weren't allowed to leave or shelter because of their race. Twitter doing what it does.
  9. I'm just a layman, but this sure looks like another excellent call by the SPC.
  10. That's much better news. I found an article with more info on the candle factory: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/spokesman-8-factory-workers-dead-8-missing-from-tornado/ar-AARJOeB “Many of the employees were gathered in the tornado shelter and after the storm was over they left the plant and went to their homes,” said Bob Ferguson, a spokesman for the company. “With the power out and no landline they were hard to reach initially. We’re hoping to find more of those eight unaccounted as we try their home residences.” Unfortunately there's an ugly lie going around Twitter and YouTube this afternoon claiming candle factory workers weren't allowed to seek shelter because of their race. Needs to be nipped in the bud, but will probably become an established urban myth.
  11. Nevermind, I found it. Looks like they had a lower level built into the hill.
  12. Yep, just Dawson Springs. Said in interviews yesterday. Quote is in the CNN link above. Elsewhere:
  13. It seems like usually the actual count doesn't get much higher than after the first day or so, because so many of the missing end up being found elsewhere with relatives, etc. But, I'm skeptical that will be the case this time, considering the scale, poor quality of construction, etc. How long will it take to get enough cadaver dogs to check all these sites and the large surrounding thick woodlands and farms, given how so many places were hit? https://www.kentucky.com/news/state/kentucky/article256528791.html It sounds like they expect that the current count of 40 survivors out of the 110 workers in the candle factory won't go much higher. At least 40 more killed in the rest of the state so far. https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/tornado-damage-kentucky-tennessee-12-12-21/index.html Today the KY gov. said the list of the missing just in Dawson Springs is 8 pages long. All these hard hit little settlements may start to add up. I have no idea what the final count will be or records or whatever, but as of now I'd be shocked if the toll doesn't go well over 100 in KY.
  14. Can someone let the KY governor's office know that Bowling Green, KY was hit by a tornado? 3 hours before the press conference, but I don't think he mentioned BG once. It certainly wasn't on the map of tornadoes and their tracks that they kept showing and referencing. S&R keep finding deceased in BG. Sounds like the scanner just now said 2 in trees, 3 on the couch of their home. The governor did say in the press conference that the 50 deaths so far were for all of Mayfield, not just the candle factory. "Dozens" expected at the factory, where 110 were at when the tornado hit. Estimates 70-100 KY deaths after they are able to do all their S&R. Still tor warns now in MS, AL, eastern TN, and eastern KY. A bit of better news out of Earlington: Two children were missing and were found in a bathtub “not where the house was originally standing,” the sheriff revealed. They were OK and they “do not appear to be hurt at all. They have been returned back to their mother.” Also a train derailed by the tornado between Earlington and Morton's Gap, KY.
  15. KY governor says at least 50 killed in Mayfield.
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