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  1. Isn't a large major approaching on the eastern edge of the current cone considered the worst case scenario for New Orleans, at least for storm surge? Not that I expect everything to come together for that, just seem to recall that was the findings of a study an LSU professor did years before Katrina.
  2. Yes, local officials think this may surpass Ike both in the percentage of the population that loses power and the cumulative amount/speed of wind. Even though Ike was a Cat 2 landfall, most of the Houston area was not on the dirty side of that storm. Beryl put more of the metro on the dirty side, Also a lot of locations have exceeded predictions for both sustained winds and gusts. The total damage will also be magnified by the fact that 2 million more people live in the Houston area compared to 2008 (7.6 million estimated now.)
  3. Beryl does seem to be overperforming local predictions for rainfall and wind gusts. One of the news stations said that power outages may approach the level of Ike. Further update: Justin Michael has achieved the unthinkable, surpassing Reynolds Wolf as The Worst.
  4. "Standby for news!" - Paul (not hurricane) Harvey Harris County's top official is back in town, Emergency Mgmt returns to full strength, and she will hold a news conference to update the situation any moment now. Here's the link: https://x.com/HarrisCoJudge/status/1810106275067478038
  5. Counterpoint: I saw Bear Suit at Buc-eee's just now, he said Cantore and he will end up at the Galveston seawall again. #SheBlindedMeWithScience
  6. Video from inside the Sanger gas station (I-35 & Lone Oak Road) when the tornado hit https://x.com/ConnerStinesWx/status/1794804153551900895 From other video today over a rural subdivision 2 miles to the west (Lone Oak Road at 200 road) the heavy damage of houses is at least a half a mile wide https://x.com/foxweather/status/1794761278809883096 (:48+)
  7. That's the east side of the river, including 2nd St @ Wrangler Heights. Both these houses were leveled: https://www.google.com/maps/@36.5601045,-96.1527161,3a,75y,282.23h,83.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sP4I7JOdB3pNlXvzdOtlO6A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu
  8. LOL, a few minutes ago there were 8 simultaneous tor warns in 4 states at the same time the mouth breathers were crying bust.
  9. Looks like the Knox City tornado passed to the north of Munday (Bloody Munday). But still need to watch for another forming on the tip of the tail (How long, how long must I sing this song?)
  10. Houses blown down to their foundations, is that common for EF3 or does that likely move it to a 4?
  11. 3 dead in Clarksville, 3 dead in Madison, last report I could find was they were still searching. Heavy damage and people trapped in homes in Springfield, too. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2023/12/09/tennessee-tornado-nashville-clarksville-hendersonville-springfield-damage-report/71866535007/
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