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Everything posted by jimmosk

  1. I just did the most I possibly could to ensure we get at least one more major snowstorm this season: I put my snow boots back into storage.
  2. https://meteor.geol.iastate.edu/~ckarsten/cobb/cobb_help.pdf And here's a comparison of several methods. I found the colored charts about halfway through pretty eye-opening: https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/55878/noaa_55878_DS1.pdf
  3. Yep, this is about how unclear I am when looking at a Skew-T Log-P.
  4. Yep. A few miles west of PHL we may have gotten one inch more, though the snow is nearly gone already.
  5. And one final brush-off, with about three-quarters of an inch, maybe a bit more. I'd put my total at 5.25". A great snow day, "just like the ones I used to know".
  6. Just went back out and did a second brushing, three and a half hours after the first. About 2.5" of fluffiness. Swarthmore's likely going to cross the 5" mark before this is done.
  7. Brushed off my car for the first time this storm. 2" so far, maybe a smidge more.
  8. When do the SREF plumes update? I swear each run used to come out around 5:00 am & pm and 11:00 am & pm, but now they seem to get updated much later than that...
  9. At the moment we're getting a flizzard in Swarthmore -- fairly dense, fast-blowing, teeny flakes that don't wind up affecting visibility that much.
  10. It's quite the flizzard here. Pixiedust flakes, swirling everywhere in gusts of 35ish mph.
  11. Just had a burst of sleet and a little thunder in Swarthmore PA
  12. https://www.mysanibel.com/live-street-cams
  13. That cam was about at the level of the bottom of the two houses behind the center one in the shot, so those hosues at sea level now. The center house stands about four feet higher than them; I bet the owner is feeling glad they paid for the extra height... for the moment.
  14. Rain mixed with sleet in Swarthmore at the moment. 39°.
  15. After a half hour of white rain, changed back to all snow, at almost +SN intensity!
  16. Looks like the rain/snow line is getting close, so the current view out my window is probably as pretty as it's gonna get. Which is to say, very. A little over 1" at this point. ...and yep, as soon as I posted this, rain began mixing in.
  17. Pretty steady increase in intensity, getting close to +SN now. Untreated surfaces have a coating.
  18. Reality is currently trouncing radar in Swarthmore - just a few flakes, while the returns suggest SN to +SN This snirga can't last, though...
  19. Moderate snow started up again here, 15 minutes ago. Added a photo of how quickly the snow is sticking to the still--iced-over trees:
  20. 15 minutes ago it was tiny flakes with a bit of graupel, but in the last ten minutes the strength picked up to SN, nearly +SN levels, with larger flakes. Depth has almost reached 3" in Swarthmore.
  21. Intensity is back up to SN, at times even +SN, with decent-size flakes again. No big pillow flakes, though.
  22. Intensity dropped to -SN in Swarthmore, down from SN. Tiny flakes, with a small amount of sleet. We’ve had a little more than 1” so far.
  23. The northern and western burbs, to be specific. Some burbs are to the south (and, depending on how you classify areas in a different state, to the east). But if you do mean this neck of Delaware County has a shot at 8", kudos!
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