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Everything posted by NoCORH4L

  1. All barrier islands should be left to nature and have public access to all. No rebuilding.
  2. Probably was, but such small storm and angle of impact mitigation, plus it didn't push up TB.
  3. Seems like they might be ok after all?
  4. Lol sweet. Arch enemy and local band Killswitch, nice!
  5. You can tell by the lack of posting in both threads, vs Helene
  6. The calls of cat 2 are looking pretty good......
  7. Power outages to be expected, but it's the heavier damage we really care and worry about
  8. If This thing just turns into a bunch of quick spin-ups.......... wow
  9. Peeps in main thread acting like this thing is falling apart to a CAT1 again
  10. What is so valuable in a home you can't leave behind? A TV? An old china set in a hutch from Grandma? Take the valuable jewelry, photo books, and important docs and leave. Maybe the chain saw and gas cans so you can clear your way back in after.
  11. This is why I have minimal things of value lol. If I was anywhere near the ocean.....PTFO.
  12. Probably for the better. Probably shouldn't be there to begin with, as terrible as that sounds.
  13. HAFS-B: tons of weakening near landfall. Maybe cat 2 possible?
  14. Lol nah I'm not like that. I'm just commenting on the general theme in the main thread. But ya now we're back to big time.
  15. Everyone posting in the main thread. Yeah I mean it'll still be bad, but that's like saying a 3' snow storm is as bad for Albany as it is for NYC.
  16. She's hurting, everyone saying weakening badly, and south of TBA. Makes it meh. People already saying CAT1 landfall in main thread.
  17. Turning into a nothingburger except the barrier islands
  18. Powerful storms create their own environment
  19. I love the damage porn in canes, but at the same time I feel I shouldn't.......
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