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Everything posted by NoCORH4L

  1. White pines are porked with pine cones this year, looks like all the top branches about to break
  2. Man I'm getting trained....more poundage on the way. Wish I had a gauge to measure the depth.
  3. Decreasing Sun angle going to make big heat tough here forward.
  4. 90s and 80s country was the best. The new stuff is basically all recycled. Don't get me wrong.... I love pickups and fishing, but it can't be all you listen too lol.
  5. Yeah not sure I've had this much lightning in years @ least in our area. Taking it's time getting out of here.
  6. Saturday looking salvageable for most of New England. Maybe some bangers up in the western/northern hinterlands in the PM.
  7. Now's the time to pan for gold in Bridgewater/Plymouth area...... Probably the only positive out of this I guess.
  8. "It doesn't look like a washout and there will be many hours of dry weather"
  9. Wonder if the pattern will change at all this summer? If not, let's hope we can keep into winter.
  10. Yeah not looking good, they wouldn't have closed it unless absolutely necessary. Post more pics!
  11. I was just at Camp Plymouth state Park last week, wild seeing all the destruction. Deep cut valleys everywhere no bueno with raino.
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