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Everything posted by NoCORH4L

  1. Pretty wild ice on top of Wachu today, 2 days later even. Not much at the base lodge but the top was porked, with damage. Heard another hiker say to his buddy "I've seen rime ice, but it's nothing like this, looks like a bunch of giant dildos" lol.
  2. Don't think we're ever getting out of here.... Road isn't plowed yet
  3. Supposedly it's still pretty neat with cloud cover, like all of a sudden it gets pitch black like night. I'll be up in NNH too, but I'm not sure where to go.
  4. Line was kind of a bust here. Couple gusts and flurries. Headed up to Swift Diamond Riders on Friday morning, looks like it'll be great riding up there.
  5. It's more the charging times and cold weather performance. Could be a lot further along if the FF industry didn't try and kill everything over the years.
  6. Well it's the first one, only will get better over time. Need some breakthroughs in battery tech to really take off.
  7. Nice! 4th Gen's still holding strong. That pic the other day was of one I saw in Germany (wasn't actually mine), looked like it hadn't moved in years. Below is my actual truck. But on the weather map, looks like some good showers about to move through. Glad the hike up Little Wachusett was earlier. Not much of a view, but no one else around, which is the goal.
  8. I bought some Chinese ones on Amazon. Risky or you think I'll be ok? @AstronomyEnjoyer
  9. Love mine too. Keep it cherry, don't you think?
  10. Yeah, but not having to do it every year is nice. There's NH oil undercoat, but that makes a mess I heard, and then fluid film which is DIY.... But I'm not so sure how well that holds up
  11. Some do it as an add on. Some just dip the frame in wax. Some dealers will do it prior to sale ..... But these guys sprayed literally everything underneath. Mine really had nothing.
  12. They got a lot Sunday. Plus it's at like 1600+ elevation
  13. @Cold MiserNew England Undercoat in leominster. was a thousand bucks but it lasts a very long time, typically only needs touch ups every few years. noxudol wax. Still looks cherry 2 years later. RE: pick up truck undercoating
  14. Was just looking back on this day in 2018. Snow galore.
  15. Once you own a pick-up, you'll never go back. So handy for so many things for anyone who owns a home.
  16. Undercoat and frequent washing help prevent corrosion
  17. The shoulder seasons are just way too long now. Summer and winter take forever to get started. Summer is HHH but only for nighttime lows. Days aren't that warm and typically are cloudy and rainy.
  18. Couldn't you move anywhere in New York and keep your pension? Tell KSLK you're on the way.
  19. So was I. Crazy. Also, the wind can go away now. Getting annoying.
  20. What about this coin? Think it's a good buy? Lol
  21. He barely posted this year, sad. Hate to see it.
  22. Winds have been pretty meh up here
  23. We could be in a new normal, so not guaranteed
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