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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. Was already above 80° here at around 11am. High of 88.0° but it has since cooled off a little. Been outside all day and soaked through with sweat.
  2. I ask myself why I'm confused all the time. I used to be regarded as smart.
  3. Mama bear and her three little shits went to investigate the backyard tent disaster this evening.
  4. Not sure most NYC folks even know they can move outside the city. Everywhere else is mud huts, hunting and gathering, and striking two rocks together to create fire.
  5. Did a little editing to the raw file of this one in an attempt to cut through some of the haze and light pollution.
  6. Here is a live video I took. Gives you an idea of how fast the patterns can change. This is at 4 frames a second, hence the jumpiness.
  7. Rods vs. cones in the eyes. Human vision in low light is mostly black and white.
  8. Ah, can see it through the clouds easily. Go away clouds!
  9. First mow of the season today. Bit of a dandelion massacre.
  10. Drab day here. 0.36" from that first push of rain this morning. Since then it has been around 50° with no hint of sun. Couldn't even get a hint of far off thunder.
  11. Stunning day, topped out at 75.9°! Explosion of green has commenced in my neck of the woods. Had a little explosion of red earlier this afternoon too, when I decided to put a little of my left hand in the path of a framing nailer. Didn't catch bone though, so all good. Only took about 5000 nails into the project to manage that for the first time. Don't recommend.
  12. Don't have to worry about install if you've got nothing to install in the first place! Topped out at 62.2° today. 'Nother nice one. Lawn will need its first mow in the next couple days.
  13. That's just the shed - actual garage is way worse, haha.
  14. Fair amount of cloud cover, but lower 60's and pretty nice. Blossoms, barns, and a lawnmower that will need to be fired up for the first time this season.
  15. 24.3° for the low this morning. Just about done with this nonsense.
  16. 67.3° high off of a 25.2° low this morning. 42.1° is a pretty healthy swing. Finally brought out the deck furniture today - just in time to see how close I get to the 20° mark Thursday morning.
  17. 66.7° here! Last of the snow piles in the neighborhood just about gone.
  18. 25.2F this morning. Neighbors at 1100 ft are above 30F, haha.
  19. Avoided frost this morning. Had an impressive temperature jump around midnight as some warmer air over my head managed to mix down. Went from around 32° to 38° in only about 15-20 minutes. Never quite made it below freezing this morning as a result. Check out the graph.
  20. Temp dropping fast here. 10pm and already down to 32.4°
  21. High of 64.4° off of a low of 29.3° this morning. More progress on the barn. I've decided to call this style of construction, "fauxst and beam".
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