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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. 0.17" total here today (so far). Absolute deluge - I'm pairing up animals in the yard as we speak.
  2. Woof, only 0.07" today. Up to a whopping 0.39" MTD.
  3. Nah, unfortunately not. I want to capture data on the Eagle Nebula, but thin cloud cover to the south has foiled that as of late.
  4. Yup! Not a bad little public course. Very close to home, nice views of Mt. Kearsarge.
  5. Hopefully the golf went better at the other Sutton, lol.
  6. Hey, I'm about to head out to Sutton to play a round! Different Sutton, unfortunately.
  7. Got 0.11" and a couple good bangs outta that cell.
  8. Barn update! Not as far along as I was hoping (for early July), but rafters are starting to go in place. 20ft 2x12s take a bit of muscling to get in place. 6 down, like uh, 42 to go.
  9. I picked up a whopping 0.05" from that. Hoping the flooding isn't too bad.
  10. 87.4/71.3° today. Didn't realize I lived in New England's Death Valley, ugh. Silly little 8000BTU window unit has been cranking away all day. Poor thing, haha.
  11. Those three consecutive mid-month days with the heat index well above 100° broke me. For the first time - and to my everlasting shame - I have installed... Not nearly enough for the whole house of course, but it provides a safe haven (in the guest bedroom) should it be necessary to retreat from the heat!
  12. I split the uprights on every storm yesterday (no measurable rainfall), and so far, the same today. Even had a cell just pop up inches to the east of me. No rainfall whatsoever here today so far, ha.
  13. That's an imaging artifact from the sky gradient. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dither
  14. 91.9/72.9° on the PWS already, ugh.
  15. Highest temp here so far is 92.7F. Let's see how high we can go!
  16. No AC gang here. Rise up to the challenge! Strategic window work! Get them double hungs up and in position overnight! Close at peak indoor coolness!
  17. Any forestry mensuration enthusiasts in here? I went across the river on family land to neighbor's property - cross the river - very rural (I snooped, don't tell!), and found the biggest Bigtooth Aspen I've ever seen. Not old growth, but (I think?) fairly old second growth - single stem exceeds 30" in diameter at breast height in forest that has much bigger single stem White Pines, and, to be frank, I I think it's over 120ft in height, but I can't confirm that, don't own the optical gear. I feel like that's pretty f'ing large for that species? Or no?
  18. Nothing is right with our piss-poor radar coverage. Those WSR 88-D's suck beyond all belief. I could go to Ukraine and buy a digitized Tall-King that would blow the pants off the nonsense we have now. Cheap as shit, too.
  19. I only got a few sprinkles and rumbles out of that
  20. 86.7°/67.2°. Sort of knocking on the upper limit of what I would consider a nice day here. May have slapped "cost of central AC install" into Google earlier. Can neither confirm nor deny.
  21. Same crew is now trying to cell me cookies!
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