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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. I'd be impressed if he was reporting from the 770' location in Manhattan.
  2. Build up ramps on both sides and have people jump over it. Very safe and cool.
  3. 00z HRRR gets me pretty good, but we all know how accurate that can be. Love the signal the higher resolution models produce on elevated terrain. They're not quite high enough resolution to completely nullify modeled accumulation "bloating" on the computer generated maps, and since I live so close to the Sunapee Massif I'm nearly always modeled (per geographic location on the map) as getting the goods even though I'm only at 890ft. My favorite hobby is choosing to believe that snow is mine. As it should be.
  4. Your Honor, my defense is as follows! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small-angle_approximation
  5. It's been slightly above freezing for the past two days here but cloud cover has really prevented much in the way of snow melt. Went around poking the yard stick into the ground and averaged about 10.5" of depth. Please see pic for proof. This was one of the higher measurements, but as you can see, there might have been a bit of a "skew" to the measurement device. A scientific analysis using MS Paint seems to have proved as much. I am nothing but honest.
  6. Didn't see this thread at first. 29.5" so far on the season here in Bradford. See table below. Should hopefully crack 30" tonight.
  7. 00z GFS is another AstronomyEnjoyer basement special for this coming Monday. Also some Provincetown love in there?
  8. 00z NAM decided to bring some snow back into New England. Compare to 18z.
  9. Or rather Monday. Apparently I can't read dates.
  10. 18z GFS wants to smoke Taunton this weekend.
  11. The mysterious Kuchera is an Air Force guy!? What a man of excellent taste! (I used to be an Air Force officer)
  12. But I want pretty colors, not accuracy!
  13. Ran another one out of my basement. Euro giving the CNE folks a little love this weekend.
  14. NAM is looking a little more intriguing for the upcoming slop this week.
  15. The result of pulling the tractor out from underneath the collapsed tent. Not sure I'm going to be able to clean that up until spring. One of the bars had fallen right onto the horn button and the thing was blaring for God knows how long. Couldn't hear it from inside the house. Luckily it didn't drain the battery to the point it wouldn't start.
  16. Hey, at a minimum, the one on the right has a different white balance!
  17. Warner river in the backyard on the 20th vs. this morning. Ice Crust is building up and water level has dropped and is running a few inches below the surface of the ice. Starting to feel like proper winter.
  18. I only hit 11.5 and I'm pretty far to your northwest and tucked into a valley.
  19. Don't know where you all found that cold air this morning. I bottomed out at a toasty 11.5 degrees here. Currently sitting at 14.5. Might be time to bust out the shorts.
  20. Ah man, that must be pretty rough in terms of snow. I frequent the Home Depot in Claremont and I'm always amazed how little snow there is compared to further east and up the hill. The Connecticut river valley does seems to do everyone dirty. I went to school at Umass Amherst so I know it well.
  21. Yeah, I wish I had a little more elevation (just under 900ft) but I'm tucked up in the very northwest corner of Bradford right on the Newbury line. I've got high elevation immediately to the north, west and south of me. I notice a big difference in snow cover when driving down into Henniker proper or Warner proper.
  22. Hey, they may have me beat in elevation, but I can hold on to cold air with the best of them! Plus, even S Goshen is getting dangerously close to the snow hole that is Newport.
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