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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. Yeah, I know, it's just for the gag, but at first I was a little confused and for a second I thought I was poking the yard stick onto a green and my heart sank. Tee box still ain't great.
  2. I'll take your word for it and apologize if I have posted a map for a credible in range threat that ended up being inflated because my time bracket included snows not relating to the event - and - I'm pretty sure I have on accident and out of inexperience. Given the limited attachment space we are allotted I've had to delete tons of attachments which makes it difficult to audit what I've previously posted. I do recall this interaction where I posted a clown with an obvious joke in it and someone responded back about breaking out the later storm - but the later storm was modeled 300 hours away, i.e., well into clown range. I'm not terribly concerned about ensuring the fidelity of a storm that's 300 hours out (also, in this instance, there was pretty obvious geographic separation). The entire reason I posted that clown map was because the 300 hour clown storm was what turned it into a "clown map" in the first place. The initial storm was already posted as modeled so I don't see how any confusion could have taken place. If so, I apologize. See the attached of that interaction (though I snipped it out and you might need a magnifying glass to read anything, if so I'll figure out a better way to post, haha) And for what it's worth, you seem like a good guy as well.
  3. Was out and about doing more "auditing" as it were. Ran into some issues this time that prevented me from getting a good reading in the area. Either the Ammonoosuc River very recently flooded, or the tee boxes at the Mount Washington Resort golf course are routinely cleared of snow. I thought I might be hitting an icy layer, but it turns out I might owe a golf superintendent somewhere an apology instead. At least it would explain my confusion as to why Bretton Woods only had a 4" layer of powder on the ground.
  4. Not to my knowledge. I think it's just coincidental that we started posting (in I guess) a similar manner at the same time.
  5. Right now the GFS is really the only operational model that goes out long enough to show much of anything very interesting. But I understand and I'll stop, or at least add a warning label or something if I post something similar again. Here comes my "but" bit though - "misleading for someone not checking the dates" I don't think I've ever seen a caveat carry so much weight. That thing is straining my friend.
  6. 18z GFS wasn't shy about moisture this time. Thank goodness, we've been in need of moisture.
  7. Hey now, there was a little foreplay on the 12th. Don't count it out.
  8. Late November? Man, I've been missing out on some wild Novembers up here then.
  9. Me when I woke up this morning and sun was streaming through my window.
  10. My clown of the night, the 00z GFS run all the way out to 384 hours. This one is going to focus on Atlantic Canada, where several spots are clowned all the way up to 281cm, which is over 9ft. Fun!
  11. The GFS has been sorta attempting this for the past few runs, but the 00z really does manage to drop a little surprise on CNE and NNE at hour 165. Ends up as a 2-4" deal per Kuchera.
  12. Sorry to hear that. Really hope you feel better in the morning.
  13. Moonshine, not to poke or prod, but is there any chance you can stay down there until at least the 15th? Because if you do, you just know Brattleboro is gonna get hammered with snow on or around the 14th, and when Brattleboro does well, I do well. Thanks in advance!
  14. Maybe a different province? Or a different type of sailing ship? We can always change the name.
  15. Forget the weird coastal, what is that I see rolling out of the plains of Canada and slashing across the Midwest before cutting right through New England, resolute and sturdy, sailing along as if it were a vessel designed for speed? I propose we call it a Saskatchewan Schooner, I think fitting, given its behavior.
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