I'll take your word for it and apologize if I have posted a map for a credible in range threat that ended up being inflated because my time bracket included snows not relating to the event - and - I'm pretty sure I have on accident and out of inexperience. Given the limited attachment space we are allotted I've had to delete tons of attachments which makes it difficult to audit what I've previously posted.
I do recall this interaction where I posted a clown with an obvious joke in it and someone responded back about breaking out the later storm - but the later storm was modeled 300 hours away, i.e., well into clown range. I'm not terribly concerned about ensuring the fidelity of a storm that's 300 hours out (also, in this instance, there was pretty obvious geographic separation).
The entire reason I posted that clown map was because the 300 hour clown storm was what turned it into a "clown map" in the first place. The initial storm was already posted as modeled so I don't see how any confusion could have taken place. If so, I apologize.
See the attached of that interaction (though I snipped it out and you might need a magnifying glass to read anything, if so I'll figure out a better way to post, haha)
And for what it's worth, you seem like a good guy as well.