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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. Storms these days man, none of them want to put in the work. Back in my day, something, something, handshake, job.
  2. Constellation Orion, taken earlier this evening. 80mm F/4 for 8 seconds ISO 12800. Fairly untouched, just compressed for forum limits. Even still, you can see the Orion Nebula, the Running Man Nebula, The Flame Nebula, and if you really know what to look for, a bit of the Horsehead Nebula. This is far from what a final stacked image could look like. You boost that signal to noise ratio up up and up, and you can pull out incredible details. Enough of clear skies though, I want it to snow.
  3. Oh, and such a lovely clown map it makes. So tempted to post it.
  4. I don't post for a day only to find the thread has gone tits up... Yeah I'd take the March storm again.
  5. 00z ICON is finally ranged in, woo. Suppressed and anemic. Manages to get a coupla' Kuchera inches south of the pike.
  6. I've tried that argument while playing darts, and it's never gotten me anywhere.
  7. Looking forward to it driving that bad boy up the great lakes at 00z.
  8. Pack is still at around 12.5" and now I know it has 4.3" of water content. With the warmer weather coming this weekend we'll see how well it holds up. I'll be sure to take photos of the river behind the house as it swells.
  9. I guess I should've asked first, but taking the center section of a stratus, jamming it upside down into the snowpack and flipping it over to let it melt should give me a reasonable SWE, right? (and then taking the 10th's to mean inches?)
  10. In an attempt to distract you all from crackhead operational models, here's a couple of photos I took from the hill today. This time I took a real camera. Unfortunately Stowe doesn't seem like it's going to be possible - topography in the way that I just can't clear from my location at only 2000 ft. Okemo and Killington, however, were baring all.
  11. 00z Euro not a fan of our storm at all. Boots it out to sea near the Carolinas and lets it play in the Atlantic Basin.
  12. Man, did they clear that out by hand? I would've written off the building until spring.
  13. Went for walk this afternoon. Still icy up at higher elevations on the southern elevations of Mt. Sunapee (highest elevation in photo is like 2400 ft). Snow pack in yard is holding steady at 12.5". Uniformly dense with not much in the way of discernible layers. Meaty stuff - even when stomping I only manage to go down 3" or so. Never measured it before, but I'll grab a snow water equivalent tomorrow.
  14. Ah, it's finally clear up there! I'll need to drive up to the top of my local hill tomorrow to see if I can get a snap of Stowe.
  15. Oh, just the worst. And don't you worry - both setups are in the works. I plan on a little evening laser level action as well.
  16. Enhance! Best I could do. Gonna have to lug up one of the big telescopes I guess.
  17. While my approval rating is at an all time low, here are some of the pics I took today up at the top of the 2000 ft MSL road in Newbury, Nh. So awesome to see the Sun finally coming out. Snapped decent photos of Okemo and Killington. I think I can get Stowe, but will need perfectly clear weather - no dice today. Also need to bring my real camera, not my cell phone.
  18. To ensure that I'm not slant-sticking. It's the perfect technique. Infallible really.
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