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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. 0.8" new this morning, pleasant surprise, helps to cover up some of the ugly.
  2. Winter has been sucking here, but if it makes you feel any better, check out the current modeled snow depth in the Midwest. I know these maps aren't perfect, but - I'm mean, just wow. Absolutely brutal.
  3. If you're a snow weenie and Truckee is your desire, find a house a little further west in Soda Springs. Considerably more snowfall than Truckee.
  4. State of the snowpack after surviving the onslaught of warm weather. Averaging 9.7" with 3.5" SWE (picture was the high measurement for the average). The south slope septic tank bare patch has spread like a disease though. Still hearing the neighbors out on snowmobiles (though I believe the local club might have the actual trails closed right now?) Hoping the clipper can overperform, but feeling a little pessimistic after the debacle that was this most recent storm.
  5. 30.8° and heaviest flurries of the day. Flakes are circled in red for visibility. Accumulation is shown on the top of a deck post - if it snows any harder, I can use that geometric space to run Monte Carlo simulations. But seriously, it's at least nice to see some snow falling after not seeing any yet in February. Congrats to those that got clobbered!
  6. Flurries here in Bradford, NH haha. So happy for the folks that got crushed, especially when it seemed like things were going to shit last night.
  7. Yeah, the dynamics do suck, I guess it's just an odd look compared to other models that don't have that abrupt east/west clown cutoff at the tip of Long Island.
  8. 00z GFS Clown for the curious. I personally like the way it blesses me with the Monadnock lobe. Praise be the lobe.
  9. I'd have to agree. Even the UKMET had started to "correct" northwards in an attempt to converge with the other globals. I'm not convinced its apparent win is due to the Met Office having injected their model with the secret sauce only they have their hands on. This is just wild speculation of course - maybe they were shit hot in this instance.
  10. Anything to fill in that Champlain Valley void. It hurts to look at. Unbelievable for this time of year.
  11. The convection allowing models are now hallucinating an inch or two of snow running up the Monadnocks. I'm back in business, baby!
  12. I was anticipating depositing about half the "gravel" on my driveway into a snowbank. Just mucky all around, and the refresher is definitely needed around here.
  13. 00z HRRR up close with its internal snowfall algorithm. Flaccid, small, and disappointing - words, of course, I've never heard directed towards me.
  14. 'Nother gorgeous day. Taken at 12:28 PM. Sun angle is starting to get suspicious. Went for a drive down south and checked out old neighborhood in Pepperell. Also swung through Groton, Ayer, Westfield, and Tyngsborough. Still some weenie lawns with a little coverage. Didn't expect that. Hopefully those towns can get something out of this upcoming dumpster fire of a storm. I plan on taking pictures of cirrus clouds tomorrow.
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