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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. 25.5°, light/moderate snow, crap growth. A little over 2.0" here. Had been sleet a couple hours ago.
  2. Better to have proximity to high terrain to your west than high terrain to your east?
  3. I've looked before, but haven't had any success. Doesn't mean they don't exist though.
  4. Here's Albany's map. Generated product though. Still hard to get an idea of snowfall totals.
  5. I strongly suspect you do a little better than Keene.
  6. Is your average really only around 57"? I feel like it should be a little higher than that.
  7. Looks like 7.8" will just about do it here. Not too bad!
  8. Just hit 4.0" here in Bradford. If the HRRR has a clue, double digits are definitely within reach.
  9. Watching that band slowly lift north while I rub my hands together like a filthy little fly.
  10. 21.7°, SN. Growth hasn't been the best, but closing in on 1.0".
  11. Come on Mr. Band. Just a little more north. You can do it!
  12. In a good spot for this one I should think. Decent shot at double digits.
  13. Barred owl from my bedroom window yesterday afternoon. Little bastard didn't hang around long enough for me to adjust my camera settings properly though. Was way off on anything sensible for such a shot.
  14. Tis a silly ensemble, but fairly substantial jump (upwards) in QPF on the SREFs.
  15. Yeah, I'm not sure I've ever seen so much "Pivotal Peach, 24+" color on one of those before.
  16. Yeah, they use a snow ratio algorithm of some sort and the end result is usually a northwards shift in snow totals as compared to 10:1 maps. Here's the QPF map at the same hour.
  17. Looks like 3.6" will do it for the total here in Bradford. Gravel drive is an absolute skating rink underneath the fluff. Tractor needed a running start to make it up the slight incline when I was out plowing.
  18. 8.6°, +SN, 2.4" so far in Bradford. Fairly solid ratios helping here.
  19. You should be good. I'd probably go 495 to 3, then to 93 though. Bit shorter.
  20. 1.3" looks to be about it. Was hoping for a little more, but plenty of chances in the pipeline.
  21. 16.3°, light/moderate snow here in Bradford. Everything coated up quickly, but growth has been horrendous.
  22. Oh, I believe you, trust me. I'm just salty that you're getting the goods and I'm not. I want the big flakes! Also, "Big flakes, ass up!" accurately describes most on this forum, lol.
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