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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. Down by the river in the back where the sun don't shine the pack is still holdin' on. Took these about 3:30pm this afternoon. Feels about 10 degrees colder down there too.
  2. Haha, no! Happened to see a little Canadian flag underneath the convection allowing models section of Pivotal. I don't think that was there before? *edit* - Maybe Pivotal found out about my fondness for garbage models and added that one to my account just for me.
  3. Big hit SNE on the 12z Canadian at 200 hrs, lol. Haven't seen much in the way of digital snow in those parts lately.
  4. Since when has Pivotal had the HRDPS? Am I losing my mind?
  5. Currently 35.6° with misery mist. 0.05" in the Stratus from that first little push of precipitation.
  6. Wow. Here's a snip of the NWS forecast for Soda Springs, CA up by Donner Pass. Going and going and going...
  7. Down to 34.8° now. Cold just loves to snuggle down in this little valley. Guess that can happen when you have higher terrain on three sides.
  8. NWS Thursday forecast for my locale - "Mostly sunny, with a high near 25. Windy, with a west wind 25 to 30 mph, with gusts as high as 55 mph." What a pinecone flinging, shitty-ass day. If it's gonna be 25 and windy, give me a blizzard or something, come on.
  9. 55.4° for the high today with a low of 24.7° this morning - beautiful! Sat in a folding beach chair and enjoyed the world's most dried out cigar in my sweatpants and slippers because I'm full of class. Don't worry - the real outdoor furniture will soon make an appearance and the irresponsible humidor practices will be corrected.
  10. He said you guys in the royal sense, lol, not "royal you". I dunno, I understood his intent immediately.
  11. Ha, I saw that. Originating in Lake Huron, jetting across that part of Ontario where they've drawn up the road grid all wonky, getting a boost over Lake Ontario, then exiting at the southern tip of Rhode Island. Behold, the power streamer!
  12. Haha, some of you guys need to read more or something. Tip's style of writing is completely different from Weatherwiz's style. To give my favorite non-explanation - you can tell because of the way it is.
  13. Clear weather tonight and I was able to set out some heavier equipment in the yard now that I've got a grass patch opening up. The setup and the shot.
  14. NWS is calling for 50 mph gusts here Wednesday night. More pinecones shall be flung all over the yard at a minimum I suppose. There's hundreds - if not thousands - to be picked up and/or mowed over already.
  15. Don't apologize! Your wife's health is infinitely more important than this forum. I hope everything works out well!
  16. The GFS fantasy system is still there. As was discussed, it's the result of erroneous clown map generation which, for whatever reason, seems to plague vendor interpretations most frequently with the GFS (so yes, it ain't going to snow nearly as much as it is saying and never was, but it's still modeled as it was before for the most part). Here, I made a tool in Excel last night that allows you to input a few characteristics of a very simplified weather system in order to generate a QPF "map" along a geographic line. In this case, we put (in the yellow) a front moving at 50 kph with a width of 250km. The rate of precip. under the front is 0.05 in/hr. We then sample at the rate of one frame every 6 hours. As you can see from the total QPF output graph, there are regions along our line where the sampled total QPF drops to zero. A tiger stripe (or anti-stripe) is forming every 300km (or every 6 hours) as a result. This is happening because we are under-sampling. For total QPF, the vendor products usually manage to not do this, but because there is such a large error in assigning precip type to QPF, the tiger striping artifact is showing up for reasons very similar to my model's. I am going to add temperature to my model in order to more accurately produce the tiger stripe gradient artifact, but am too lazy right now.
  17. The trigger shall be pulled on central AC at some point, but for now, I'll probably just suck up the few uncomfortable days. The house is fairly well shaded by trees in the afternoon during summer and triple pane windows help with insulation. If I end up with some type of window or floor unit it will be to help keep the humidity levels of the piano in check rather than for my own comfort, haha. I care more about it than me!
  18. No central AC, no window units here. Swamp-ass is coming for me.
  19. East slope of Sunapee from yesterday's walk. That field will be snow free by Thursday is my guess.
  20. Yeah I know, haha. It always bothered me in the movie when Morgan Freeman's character calls 500 yards just shy of a half mile when it really is only 60 yards longer than a quarter mile.
  21. Hey now, Andy Dufresne's shit pipe was 500 yards in the movie I'm pretty sure.
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