Clouds cleared off early this morning and this cold pit of a valley managed to radiate down to 30.2°. Shuffled out on the deck still half asleep to empty the Stratus and nearly went ass-over-teakettle after slipping on ice.
True, many of the members in the SREF ensemble are NAM like/based, but the ARW based members in the SREF are hinting at snow as well, at least when I briefly looked at the plumes.
That seems to be the case with those the vast majority of the time. I'm not sure I've ever seen one verify. Usually end up with like a quarter of what the model spat out at best.
Freezing rain estimate that isn't as ridiculous as the straight up freezing rain QPF estimates are. That map is even more zonked than the one I just posted.
*Freezing Rain Accumulation Model*
If you like burning through money you should get into astronomy. Then you can get excited about clear nights with no notable weather as well. See, I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top.
Hey now, I only posted that because Tip had mentioned heat burst signaling just prior. And I'm not throwing him under the bus, it's more of a gentle shove, ha!
Not big into fishing myself, but I've heard the reservoir in Wilmington has some good fishing? I think they stock it with different species of trout, and most decently sized bodies of water around here will have large and smallmouth bass.