Latest photo I could find was from mid Feb. Look at that patina! And the dents I've already put in the hood from when I ran the thing into a ditch after the Jan 7th storm!
Town made the interesting decision to plow one half of my road and leave a snow bank nearly halfway in the middle. Not that it matters - it'll all melt in a couple days.
I just got power back after Eversource intentionally cut it for a couple hours to make repairs. Measured a 34 mph gust here early this morning - which is actually pretty impressive given my anemometer is so wind sheltered it might as well be buried underground.
Oof, just lost power for a second there. Guess that's what I get for making fun of the wind. With the chimney work happening, the heat's been off all day in the house as well. Hoping power doesn't go overnight, cause it gonna' get cold in here.
33.6° and a squally little snow shower pushing through. On the 12z suite, the Euro, UK, and ICON want to give a swath of advisory level snow to CNE Friday night/Saturday. North American globals, however, suggest that the Europeans quit doing drugs.
Bobcat caught on the basement door camera this morning. Surprised he was snooping around - chimney folks were here and just around out front at that time.
31.3°, windy, with occasional sun poking through cloud cover. Chimney is getting re-lined today. Crappy weather to be up on a roof, especially one that is now snow covered (and 12/12 pitch!).
Glancing back at the forum 10 days ago, I'll concede that I unfairly characterized the discussion. Valid and reasonable concerns were put forth by many - unfortunately, the less valid ones are what lodged better in my memory.
That aside, I'm still curious if model performance as a whole has actually been lacking this winter season. My (by no means groundbreaking) suspicion is that there would be less criticism of their performance if they also threw in a few instances where they called for little and it snowed a lot rather than just hiccup the other way round.
Never said it was a big storm for me, only the biggest since (insert date here). I'm asking about model performance, not the "performance" of the weather system itself.
Meh, this recent system had fairly robust support on guidance 10-11 days ago and people were groaning and grumbling about posts alluding to the possibility of a storm then. 10 days later, I ended up with my biggest snowfall since Jan 10th and more snow than the entirety of Feb combined. Much of NNE cashed (and will continue to cash) in as well.
Not going to deny that this winter has been anything but a regionwide ratter, but I guess I'm not sure what evidence there is to dismiss all modeling. Are model performance metrics currently indicating poorer than normal performance this winter?
I'm genuinely asking, as I have no idea.
0.4" new snow/sleet since I last measured for a total of 5.1". That exceeds all of February here. Feels strange to hear birds out singing this morning.
32.0°, moderate/heavy snow 2.3" total so far. This event already exceeds any single one event for MBY for all of February. Now let's see if we can't beat February's total.