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Everything posted by AstronomyEnjoyer

  1. Edit* More paltry higher res models as they come into range for the blend algorithm get weighed more heavily. (Source: complete speculation)
  2. Oh I know - it's just there's not much available out that way.
  3. I've got family in the Albany, NY area and there's been talk of purchasing land in southern VT to build a second home (to be roughly equidistant between us). Family likes the Manchester area, but I've been bombarding them with Dover listings. I haven't explained to them why they are all above 2200ft, but they haven't asked (or noticed).
  4. These are the kind of numbers you like to see on your point and click.
  5. 00z GFS looks a tick south to me in the end. *Edit* compared to 18z, that is. Still north of other guidance.
  6. I'm not a roofing expert, but the warped layer of singles does give me cause for concern. Do you know how far up the ice and water shield goes on your roof?
  7. Better for her, worse for you. Looks like noise to me.
  8. Lovely weather making swift work of the pack as March comes to a close. Have had continuous snow patches in the yard since Jan 7th and it looks like that will probably continue for just a little longer.
  9. Around 10 years ago my Dad was looking to buy a place in Randolph, NH. Awesome home, but too big and too remote. What a weenie spot.
  10. Ah, screw it, send in a Monads big dog. Let's get that season total over 100"!
  11. Didn't think I had a chance to reach average snowfall this season but it's looking like a real possibility now.
  12. Hey now, some people live up here. I even learned how to read so I could post here!
  13. 00z GFS clown is worthy of posting, haha. Through 240 hours.
  14. I'm trying to do construction over here! The snow had its chance, haha.
  15. What a nasty day. Got a nice sweat going shoveling a foot of wet snow off the barn slab just to put up one little section of wall. Just soaked.
  16. 17.0" new, 69.5" season total. Outside shot of hitting average now.
  17. Went out and measured 17.0" average on the ground. Now I'm annoyed I didn't set up a board so I could clear at the appropriate intervals - would've probably managed 20". Was mostly IP and/or ZR from 12pm to 6pm. Will measure SWE tomorrow morning.
  18. 8:25pm report of 18.5" here in Bradford, NH. I'll go grab a measurement of my own here in a bit but that seems accurate. Pretty amazing given there was a multiple hour switch to IP and ZR in the middle.
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