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Everything posted by steve392

  1. Was up in NW Passaic county. The reservoirs up there are soooo low. A lot of the old roadways are exposed from they were still parts of towns.
  2. If this don't happen to the nyc metro area this winter... https://www.facebook.com/share/r/ipzx5w8pREviutcR/
  3. Gorgeous evening, 50 degrees already. Windows open, fan on. Gunna sleep like a baby tonight.
  4. Some incredible color starting to pop on trees. Not even throughout the canopy mostly tops of trees.
  5. 42 degrees when I got up to let puppy out. Heat came on out of nowhere. Hasn't been touched since last spring lol
  6. Had some rain drops fall around 830. Was outside getting puppy to goto bathroom and was like wtf us this hitting my awning??
  7. 64 degrees at battery park in NYC. Nice breeze off the water.
  8. Coolest morning I've experienced in a while. 49 degrees when I let the puppy out in our backyard at 7am.
  9. With it just grazing that land mass, will it have any affect on its strengthening?
  10. These warmer days are finally belong my reseeding of my grass. Finally got germination. Gorgeous out at 75 degrees.
  11. Another beautiful day, 70 degrees. LFGM!
  12. Gorgeous day out. 72 degrees. Nice to see the sun out again.
  13. Rain guage is just under 1 inch if rain since this mist has started Friday.
  14. First hoodie day of fall/winter/spring 24/25!
  15. Been chilly with a steady mist all day. Temp says 64 but feels way colder.
  16. Decent rain this morning. Will hopefully help with my overseeing of the backyard.
  17. Several rounds of rain last night just got the ground soaked. Not even enough to get a measurement.
  18. Got a brief shower where I actually needed to use my wipers. But that was it. Nice cool day. Perfect for opening windows.
  19. Says 77 at Citi Field but with sun directly in front it's a toaster. Will definitely be burnt after game. Breeze off Flushing Bay feels great.
  20. Wtf lol Next run will send it west into Vancouver...
  21. Awesome, looking forward to my cold and 430 sunsets!
  22. Had a good downpour earlier as storms had developed before my area. Was quick hitting. Now it's just so dam cool out. 63 degrees.
  23. Not used to be up before 8am, driving son to school and only 60 degrees out. What a gorgeous morning and rest of day.
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