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Everything posted by steve392

  1. How much do most places remain below normal?
  2. That was the year of constant cold with lake effect or clippers it seemed like daily.
  3. Was crystal clear skies a little while ago and 40 degrees. Overcast now and 38
  4. South jersey had it bad with freezing rain. Currently 33 in Manalapan.
  5. What a freezing ass night! Dog decided he needed to go out 3 times overnight. 8 degrees at home in little ferry and 2 at work in mahwah. Coldest temps in years for me.
  6. Was 14 leaving work. 15 here at home.
  7. No way, need colder and prolonged!
  8. A crisp 17 at home and 13 at work. Perfect shorts weather!
  9. 29 was the high at work, felt wayyy colder with the winds whipping up. currently 24 degrees.
  10. Awesome info, thank you!! Will check the picnic table once I log out of work. Snow has tapered off in Mahwah.
  11. So how we measuring accumulation?? Streets there's nothing. Picnic table behind our center there's about 1/2 an inch of snow.
  12. Mail lady setoff my security camera. Not a drop of accumulated snow in little ferry at home. Still coming down in mahwah but sidewalks are melting again.
  13. Right in the bulleyes of that yellow circle too. It's coming down at a good clip right now in mahwah after a slight lull. Really starting to accumulate on most surfaces .
  14. I guess local and county dpw's are seeing something on weather models?? They are brining the hell out if roads here in Bergen County.
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