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Everything posted by steve392

  1. Gorgeous day today. Partly cloudy and 65 degrees
  2. Had 3/4" of rain from yesterdays storm. Wish i had gotten down my winter fertilizer earlier in the week. Grass would be poppen right now!
  3. Nice partially clear morning driving into work. 48 degrees and drying out.
  4. Nice amount of moderate to heavier rain approaching my house in se bergen county. Been non stop rain since 8am in mahwah.
  5. Large blob of rain moving east right into nnj. Temps dropped more. 50 degree's but feels colder.
  6. A tad chilly this morning driving my kid to school. Anyone have lows for the area?
  7. Spotty rain all afternoon. Temps are decent. Around wgat times are the heaviest rains expected in the nenj area?
  8. Thats just wrong, 85 at Christmas?? Gross. Looking forward to frigid temps and snow!
  9. Fog seems to be getting thicker too on our camera's at work in Mahwah.
  10. 56 and thick fog in spots. Wasn't an issue til i got to higher elevations.
  11. Would be nice to have decent weekend off from work... Been easily 2 months since i had a decent one.
  12. Young tree's here in bergen county are getting some nice color already. Mahwah, NJ slowly getting the older tree's to change.
  13. Absolutely gorgeous out. 74 degrees with crystal blue skies. Very little if any haze.
  14. Absolutely gorgeous out in Mahwah, NJ. Crystal clear blue skies.
  15. 57 degree's this morning. Misty skies driving to work.
  16. Insane rains at times over night. Drive to work was nothing out of the ordinary. Was expecting way worse. 57 degrees out.
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