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Everything posted by steve392

  1. Damming isn't a solution. Someone will end up getting flooded way worse. The problem is over developement and paving over every inch of permiable ground. These rivers rose and flooded long before we lived here and will do so after we're gone. Is it worse now, no doubt. But there's no stopping mother nature.
  2. Had snow showers in Bergen County earlier. Blue skies finally gave way to clouds.
  3. I love the cold. Colder the better and im in shorts year round except if i have to shovel snow or if i have to walk in anything deeper than ankle depth. If it snows when its frigid is a plus. But winter should always be cold regardless of precip.
  4. Gorgeous last two days off from work. Had first snow showers yesterday and they didn't disappoint. Currently 24 in Paramus, NJ.
  5. Another beautiful cold morning!! 24 degree's in Paramus.
  6. Temp dropped 2 more degree's since getting to work at 615. Now at 25 degree's in Paramus,NJ. Nice crisp cold morning. Frozen dew on everything.
  7. Incredible rains overnight. Lots of flooding by me as evident by all the debris in places
  8. 27 degrees in Paramus this morning. Love this crisp cold air.
  9. 35 in little ferry this morning when i walked out the door for work and 28 when i got to work in mahwah, nj. Love this weather.
  10. Like fourth round of monsoonal rains again. Had some thunder and lightning around 6pm
  11. If it were 2011, it was 10/29. The worst day i have ever worked in dispatch in 19 years.
  12. Winters have definitely sucked the last 15 years or so. Grew up in the late 80's and early 90's and every winter to me was frigid and snowy. Made a killing snow shoveling the houses by me every year.
  13. 2002/03 winter was an incredible one. December 8th/bday storm, christmas, presidents weekend blizzard and a few others. Had mountains of snow on corners in bergen county, nj that winter. 2010/11 was a good one too with the boxing day blizzard, then blizzard or never called one in january that was just as bad in terms of amount of snow and a few others to finish off winter. I can't remember what winter it was after that or it may have been that winter where the landscaping company that plowed our apartment lot needed front end loaders to move the piles as high as they could go because they ran out of room to put all the snow since it wasn't melting between storms. 43 degrees on another crystal clear morning. Beautiful sunrise.
  14. Loving it. This morning was coldest morning i've felt at work at 44 degrees. Loved it.
  15. Another gorgeous day off. Had a brief downpour yesterday around dinner time. Cold temps and rein causing fungus in my yard. Not looking forward to this weekend.
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