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About steve392

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Little Ferry, NJ

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  1. Already turned back on my hose faucets so we better not get below freezing lol
  2. Had them in little ferry also around 10am
  3. Thanks. With how hard it rained and for how long i really thought we woulda hit 2 inches. I'll take it though. Washes away the last of the road salt.
  4. Does anyone have rainfall totals from last night?
  5. I live by TEB. Departures on 4L and arrivals on 22L don't seem to really screw with TEB traffic. My house is directly under those two EWR flight paths and hear and see TEB take off's and landings with EWR traffic above me. TEB departures on 6 look like rockets being shot out of residence roofs they keep them so low.
  6. Got some bulbs popping through by my house, believe they're krocuses
  7. Took advantage of the winds and blew out left over leaves so the winds can take them away. My puppy was chasing the leave tornados around like a derp.
  8. Been non-stop downpour for an hour at my house. Really wish I ad a working rain gauge.
  9. Winds absolutely howling outside. Sounds like an old horror movie set in winter in my old house with the sounds it's making.
  10. 15 degrees in mahwah. Feels amazing. Shorts season for me. Wish it would last.
  11. 35 and blustery in Mahwah.
  12. Temp down to 40 degrees in Mahwah
  13. High got up to 57 in Mahwah, sun was hottttt when i stepped outside for a bit. Temps dropped to 51 with winds gusting.
  14. All over southeast Bergen County. Hear their squaks all year.
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