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Bob Chill

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Everything posted by Bob Chill

  1. Any reports of tsunamis on Lake Anna?
  2. I like earthquakes at lot better than snowstorms and hurricanes. I didn't have to agonize over 50 models runs just to be worn out and disappointed. Earthquakes just happen. That shizzle is cool.
  3. Alexandria here. In the basement of my friends 4 story house. Holy F! Scared the hell out of me. I ran out the damn front door. Rocking and a rolling. The one we had some months back was nothing like this one. Damn!
  4. Most memorable storm of my life because one of my best friends was getting married and couldn't cancel. I ended up having to drive him and a packed truckload of crap from Rockville to Columbia. Started the drive @ noon and got to the hotel @ 3. I have never in my life driven in such bad conditions. My suburban handled it like an absolute champ. 495 and 95 were a complete free for all. It snowed its eyeballs out the entire trip and there was 12-18 of snow on the interstate by the time I got on 95. I weaved around so many stranded people that it was ridiculous. There were so many cars stuck that it was surreal. I plowed through every obstacle and got the groom there with enough time to relax before his big day. Honestly, I had a blast driving and loved every minute of it. Then I was treated like a celebrity the whole night at the wedding. Great storm!
  5. This was grabbed on Wed the 3rd. It shows the moisture connection all the way past HI. I remember really getting excited that this storm is going to be BIG.
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