Most memorable storm of my life because one of my best friends was getting married and couldn't cancel. I ended up having to drive him and a packed truckload of crap from Rockville to Columbia. Started the drive @ noon and got to the hotel @ 3. I have never in my life driven in such bad conditions. My suburban handled it like an absolute champ. 495 and 95 were a complete free for all. It snowed its eyeballs out the entire trip and there was 12-18 of snow on the interstate by the time I got on 95. I weaved around so many stranded people that it was ridiculous.
There were so many cars stuck that it was surreal. I plowed through every obstacle and got the groom there with enough time to relax before his big day. Honestly, I had a blast driving and loved every minute of it. Then I was treated like a celebrity the whole night at the wedding. Great storm!