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Everything posted by Picard

  1. LIght to moderate snow here. I'm right on the edge of the heavier precip line. Up to 2.25" in the last two hours. Maybe I'll get close to the low side of 3-6" before all is said and done. Temp 23F.
  2. 1.7" here as of 8 am. Still snowing lightly. Schools are closed. Probably the right call in today's society, roads are sloppy. It's an underperformer as per forecast but still looks nice. I'll probably do a short hike later.
  3. Extremely fine flakes falling now. You can't see them in the light, but I can feel them on my face. Dewpoint up to 13 from about 3 earlier.
  4. My only point is that, at some point, the dry air is relevant. The models have probably improved over the years in it's consideration, but in the past, in my non-expert experience, they used to suck at it, and 6 inch forecasts evaporated into little more than a heavy dusting for some of us.
  5. That is really going to struggle to get any further north than it is right now, at least for many more hours. These near zero dewpoints are going to be hard to overcome. I'm a little skeptical of 4-6".
  6. We just got a snow squall warning on our phones. But so far nothing and it looks like the worst of it is south.
  7. Waterfront is a great thing until it isn't. Even the cutest little meandering stream can become a rip-roaring rage if enough rain falls in a short period. Buying where we bought, far from a water source, was definitely a consideration. There have been stories of even small steams ultimately washing out entire homes. Not a good idea in the changing landscape and climate.
  8. I have patches and piles left, but I'm only at 800 feet and started from about 8". I'm guessing higher up the mountain still has a few inch snowpack, especially out toward the ridges of Stokes and High Point. I might take a ride up Sparta Mountain later on if I have time.
  9. Approximately 2.6" of rain here. It looks like I was right on the edge of the heaviest stuff but just missed it. Still impressive. The wind here seemed worse at 6 pm yesterday than overnight. I heard heavy rain a couple of times, including another brief drenching around 3:15 AM, but the rattling and whooshing of wind never woke me up. The power flickered a few more times but stayed on. Our partially finished basement took in a little water but the french drain worked.
  10. Ripping pretty good here in Sparta. I don't have a great anemometer, so my peak gust means nothing, but Sparta PD reports several trees down and power outages in town. Our lights blinked but so far have stayed on.
  11. Moderate snow. Temp 29. Good coating on everything. The pre-treatment they do is utterly pointless. Our community driveways and sidewalks were pretreated last night, they sprayed shit everywhere, made a mess, and barley a quarter inch of snow, and everything is covered. I'm on the community HOA, so I'll put up the counterargument. But I'll lose.
  12. MANDA and I are in an area where sometimes a five minute drive can mean a difference of several inches. I'm at 800' here. I believe parts of Sparta/Jefferson are 1300'+ I've already seen twice since living here zilch at our house while the top of Sparta Mountain has plowable snow. I'm not thinking that scenario plays out this time. But I can easily see the top of the mountain beating me by 3" (say 5" vs 8").
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