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Everything posted by Picard

  1. It's interesting watching again the storms go about 20-25 miles off to my north along the Sussex/Orange County border. It's not that we don't get anything (think Thursday), but this seems to be the case 7 or 8 times out of 10. You can almost pick Montague/Port Jervis/Warwick, as the start of the line and from there on north and east, and you'd be right 80% of the time.
  2. Looks like things weakened. Just some light to moderate rain. Looks like that's over shortly.
  3. I was down in Ledgewood and Randolph today. Once I hit about the southern part of Stanhope, and then into Mount Olive, I noticed tree debris increase substantially and that continued down Route 10 for a ways. The trip back took me along Lower Berkshire Valley - noticed several large limbs down and crews were still out working in spots this afternoon. Nothing to that degree up this way, so whatever it was really got cranking down in that area.
  4. Ouch. Not quite that bad up where I am in Sparta, but still very gusty which knocked down a few smaller branches. Power was out for about 30 seconds. It was enough though for me to jump in the truck and quick move it down the block away from the bigger trees, and pray I didn't get pegged in the process. I've been after them for years here about tree trimming because, eventually, my luck will run out.
  5. Love the 82 degree dew point, which might be accurate for that particular moment. My station was showing 79 earlier. Oppressive.
  6. I can see the lightening off to my NW. All afternoon I've been watching the storms skip off to the north over High Point and Wantage - looks like I'll get something from these, although not as impressive as up north from earlier.
  7. They've been getting hammered pretty good the past couple of afternoons up in NE and upper NY state.
  8. Got a brief heavy shower this afternoon. Now it's gotten oppressively humid. Dewpoint hit 74 here.
  9. Some low 40s out in West Jersey this morning. I'll resist kicking the heat back on for now.
  10. Shoot that kinda trends my way here on campus projecting out the movement. I can hear some thunder again outside.
  11. Our principal just e-mailed to staff "many roads blocked with trees and power lines". We had to hold attendance for late arrivals. So I guess it's a little more widespread out here.
  12. Tree branches and wires are down in the area of Lafayette, before you get to Route 206 over towards Newton. Seems to be confined to that one small area. Mini tornado? Radar looked juicy. I drive that way every morning but thankfully missed the height of it.
  13. Damn heat's going back on.
  14. Looks like once the westerly wind kicked up this evening, you guys rocketed up. Parts of eastern NJ are still in the low 80s at this hour, in early May.
  15. Balmy early May evening. I'm still at 73. Feels like summer. I'm not looking forward to the return to raw and cold. It's the month when both the AC and heat will run, sometimes within 48 hours of one another.
  16. I have our AC going for a trial run. Feels like it's working good. High temp says 89, probably a bit overdone as my heat shield isn't the best, but it was hot.
  17. An inch here. Temp 33. I took a ride up Sparta Mountain which gets up to about 1300' via the roads. Surprisingly, I did not see any ice, but man what a brutally cold rain.
  18. I'm only at 33, currently pouring. What's it like up by High Point? Gotta be an ice wonderland. I might take a ride up Sparta Mountain shortly.
  19. I'm hoping most of the bulbs will survive. The crocus bloomed so early it had already flowered and withered before this cold snap. Our dafodills and tulips are up but not bloomed yet. I did notice the tulip leaves had turned a darker green this morning but I think that's normal on colder mornings. Pansies I don't know about. It's the first year they went in this early, so we'll see. I'm told they're pretty cold hardy. Damn March!
  20. This is the earliest in my recent memory for things to start blooming Our crocus has been in full bloom since the weekend, and the neighbors daffodils are all open. There were already a couple of bees pollinating the flowers too.
  21. Washout to sub-20% humidity in some places this afternoon. Loving the deep blue skies. It would be a perfect early spring day if not for the gusty winds.
  22. We have a nice coating here that still hasn't melted. I'd say S+ for a good 15 minutes earlier, whitened everything.
  23. 11" OTG. Still moderate snow, but should be winding down shortly.
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