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Everything posted by Picard

  1. Apparently, the all time Florida snowfall record is broken. 5" in Pensacola. Not done let. Forecast low is 16. Now that's impressive.
  2. I go through the same thing here, as I'm on the community HOA. I have harped on the excess salt, as it's bad for the driveways, kills the surrounding grass, and is bad for the dogs walking too. And then I'm lectured by other board members about potential litigation. Damn lawyers. At some point, rain is wet, and ice is slippery. Reasonable treatment is warranted. What we do now is atrocious and an environmental disaster. Sorry, Manda's post triggered me!
  3. Agreed, it's gross, and terrible for our vehicles. OH, and the environment too. This can't be good. I don't remember this being this way when we were younger. They would use a salt/sand/gravel mix, and do it as needed, rather than dump it all at once and make this huge mess. Also makes me wonder where the hell they will continue mining all of this salt from? I was also under the impression the brine was supposed to help with this. Doesn't seem to do a thing.
  4. Until it shows monthly or all time lows being broken, It's not overly impressive.
  5. All of NJ is still covered in D1-D3 drought conditions. These piddling little snows have done little, so any more extensive precipitation is welcome. Hopefully we can get into a wetter period, as heading towards spring this dry makes me a little queasy.
  6. This "cold outbreak" would not be impressive, historically speaking, if it wasn't for the persistent, brutal wind keeping wind chills in the single digits and low teens. Our campus is closed for the 2nd day this week due to a power outage. Earlier today, I actually couldn't close my truck door because of a brutal wind gust. All I could do was hang on. Calmer air can't come fast enough. I'm sure California would agree.
  7. Light snow at work in Newton with a coating. Radar shows a dry slot, so unless it fills in, snows here will be done by a little after 12.
  8. Someone has to explain to me the point of the brine, since I've noticed the same thing. Doesn't seem to do anything, and it's not even that cold out. What am I missing?
  9. Woke up to about 3/4" of slush and a 2 hour delay. What surprised me was more snow in Lafayette and Newton (about 3"), which actually sits at a lower elevation than me by a couple hundred feet. Must have been some nice banding just off to my north and west, because it was definitely a noticeable difference and a lot more plowing.
  10. If you have an old school analog barometer, it's pretty much pegged this morning if set accurately. I'm at 30.92" after an overnight low of 10F. Most of the upstate NY is at 31"+ on the barometer, which is 1050 mb+ There are a bunch of single digit lows in western NJ.
  11. Sky high barometer readings tonight. 30.72" at the house. Still climbing.
  12. 0.75" in Sparta. School on a delayed opening. Once in school, all the kids phones buzzed for a snow squall warning. We had about 5 minutes of heavier snow, which re-coated the ground. Now the sun is out.
  13. There's something to this. Years ago, the vast majority of winters you could reliably ice fish from Christmas through late February/early March. Now your lucky if it's 1 winter in 3, and even when you do get it, you've probably only got a 2-3 week window. Also, what's considered "average" or "normal" temperature is quite a bit different from 50-100 years ago. A high of 20 degrees will be characterized as "well below average" today, whereas 50 years ago, I don't think people would have said or even thought that.
  14. I took a ride around before. The range was 0-10.5" Zero at work, and 10.5" at a point up just off Glen Road in Sparta that I could get out and measure, near the top of the hill. Total winter wonderland. That should be about 1250-1300 feet, give or take. Pretty wild that the amounts range from 0-20" (at High Point) in the same small county, relatively speaking. One to remember for future reference, for sure.
  15. Snowing at a decent clip outside my window, but no accumulations. I'm really tempted to do a High Point road trip after work.
  16. So, 3" at home in Sparta, elevation 800 feet. Here at work, in Hampton, outskirts of Newton, elevation 570 feet, mostly 0.0". There's a few patches with a coating of slush, but 95% of the ground is bare. It's currently snowing, but not accumulating.
  17. Neat pictures with the snow around the remaining fall foliage. I measured 3" on the deck here, heavy wet sludge. Sparta schools are closed today because of higher amounts up on the mountain. My campus, at 570 feet, is so far, still on a delayed opening.
  18. Just measured 1.2" on the deck. Sparta just plowed our street - mostly slush and probably unnecessary so far. Light but steady snow continues. 32.5F
  19. About 0.5" Street out front is covered. Looks like the radar has some staying power. It's going to be interesting.
  20. Left work at 8:15 - just rain, but drove a mile and a half to a slightly higher elevation and the snow quickly commenced. Back in Sparta, about 0.3" OTG with moderate snow and 32.7F @800 feet. Everything is coated and the roads are getting a little slush under the higher rates. If it keeps up heavy enough, we'll definitely see some road issues overnight. Salt spreaders were out doing their thing.
  21. You're 250 feet higher than me - could be an interesting event for both of us. I'm still at work, near Newton, with a cold, cold rain. Elevation here is 570 feet. I'll report back when I get home later.
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