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Everything posted by Picard

  1. 22/70 out at the Walpack station yesterday, Sussex County. 21/68 the day before. Walpack can really go nuts this time of year.
  2. A couple of points: There's a good conversation to be had around prescribed burns, especially because a percentage of the brush in this area is invasive. But that takes planning, political will, competence, and funding. And at least 3 out of 4 of those things (you decide), are in short supply. I do fear an LA-like event is possible here, especially in areas like Morris County where it is simultaneously still heavily forested and heavily populated. Adjacent to the point above - do any good data sets exist that track average winds over time? It just seems to me that there are more clear day extreme wind events than before, and last night/today is no exception.
  3. Where everything is planted is in direct sunlight all day this time of year. It only ever takes about three sunny days in the 40s come late February and there they are. I had shoots in late January two years ago during a mild stretch. They actually made it all the way through to bloom.
  4. My crocus are up about an inch and a half already. Everything else has just popped through with the thaw, including hyacinth, daffodil, and tulip. Won't be long now and last night's rains were much needed and welcomed.
  5. Nice day out. Most precipitation is taking it's very predictable path - northeast movement up through central PA and into NY state, leaving little if any for the coast.
  6. Gorgeous day. Temp 36, but it feels 15 degrees warmer in the sun.
  7. Single digit and low teens dews any problem for this afternoon?
  8. Also notice the dews are once again 0 or even a little below in much of NJ this morning. The northern fringe of a disorganized system isn't saturating that.
  9. This winter continues to be dominated by cold, windy, and very dry days, as noted by the state climatologist. My skin can attest. The drought monitor still shows D2/D3 conditions, especially southern NJ. Maybe this past weekend put a slight dent in it, we'll see on Thursday when the new report is issued. It's noteworthy how the drought map seems to correlate nicely with a general difficulty to get precipitation to the cost, an issue dating back months. We do see a lot of radar movements generally northeast through central Pennsylvania and into NY state, and those areas are not showing nearly as dry on the monitor. Looks like the Wednesday-Friday prospects are off the table. If anything, another dusting to an inch, followed by more dry wind as the storm passes off well to the south.
  10. 32.2F on one sensor, 32.3F on the other with heavy rain. I don't see any ice accretion at the moment, but WOW. It looks like slightly milder air is just off to my south by a mere few miles. Can I get one last minute push? Doubtful. At a bare minimum, walking the dog will be fun later. This is going to suck bad or worse, depending on where you are.
  11. 32F, now into moderate rain, with the sun going down. Perfect.
  12. 29.08" on the home barometer (985 mb). That's down there. That's down there. We briefly got to 37F, dropped back to 34F. Most ice accumulation is gone from the trees. But now it's starting to get quite foggy within the last 30 minutes.
  13. We have popped up to 36 here, helping with ice. Hopefully not too much will be left on trees. Rain is lightening up some.
  14. It's a potential $hit show unless that cold air erodes quickly enough. I'm sitting at 33, but up on the mountain, it's not. At this point, my forecast high will miss by 15 degrees.
  15. The same thing once happened to me. Had to create a new account due to lost password. Maybe the mods can look into it.
  16. Radar just fizzled out as the bulk of it headed east. I wonder what caused that?
  17. 0.1" or so in Sparta. Calling it a heavy dusting and moving onto the next.
  18. We're spot on with you on Sparta. I measured 2.4", broken out with my best estimates as follows: 1" of snow 1.2" of sleet, 0.1" ZR 0.1" snow to finish.
  19. I'm not really a fan of evening before closures. Especially in close set ups like this. Radar isn't even that impressive, so I say leave it until morning. Our district hasn't called anything yet. In fact, my district is one of only three not on the closed list for Sussex County.
  20. Can definitely feel it. Higher sun angle, and the birds are getting a little more chatty. Maybe another couple-three weeks of wintery weather would be nice, then some spring on the other side, and with that, hopefully some spring rains.
  21. Had ice in Sparta too. Schools were on a 2 hour delay. In fact, I backed out into the street and the car promptly slid sideways a foot or two. which I was not anticipating (maybe I should have). Definitely black ice. The metric tons of salt still left over from the last one didn't really help a lot. I heard they re-salted after I left. The main roads were fine. Hopefully some more rain materializes later. The overall dry conditions continue to persist as we are already 2/3 of the way through MET winter. Hopefully the pattern changes, in time to bring some more snow, but I'll take the rain too.
  22. -6 in Sparta on my deck. Looks like Walpack bottomed out at -17, which is typically the cold spot in this area. Interesting experiment - I put an old mercury thermometer directly on the surface of the snow out back and recorded the temp at 6:30 am. It read -15. Certainly not an official reading, but the surface of that snow is cold! That explains why the dog hates walking in it.
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