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Everything posted by Herb@MAWS
Still snowing. At worst it’s a Columbia Cartopper. Grass has that “whitened” appearance.
A burst of graupel imby/Columbia. 36°
Snowing in Columbia.
Happy New Year! Another 0.49" Tuesday so multi-day event thru 12/31/24 imby = 1.52"
IMBY Columbia: 0.55” Fri nite thru 10am Sat. 0.48” Sat 10am to Sun 9 am. 1.03” total so far this event
Imby Columbia 0.55” thru 10am Saturday.
36.9 hi temp in my part of Columbia today.
i think week #16 Packers shutout over Saints was first shutout this year in NFL. Ravens could’ve/should've had #2 yesterday. Solid team win!
As a rule I’m usually rooting against KC. As a Ravens fan, not today.
Columbia imby 21° at 5am.
Columbia IMBY: High Sunday 26.4 Low Monday 12.8
17.1 at 5:45am but still falling a bit.
Outside of the first 6 minutes (which included 2 fortunately-recovered Ravens fumbles), this has been the best Ravens overall team performance for a large portion of the remaining 54 minutes …. that I can recall recently.
0.15” of white rain on Friday.
Columbia 35.8 with light rain having changed to a steady light snow.
1/4” rain IMBY yesterday.
Was in a cabin M-F in Keysers Ridge/Grantsville area (2830’ at cabin) 10mi NE of Accident. Monday hi 20, all-day flurries/snow showers. Tuesday hi 22, same conditions Wed. hi 32 by late in afternoon, sunny a.m. but high solid overcast p.m. Snow developed at night but never saw blizzard conditions or whiteouts (both forecasted). Got about 3”-4” snow at cabin but NWS “official” reports were up to 6.5” as of Thursday morning’s LWX PNS. Thursday mostly cloudy and high temp 18 with light non-accumulating snow all day, then 1” snow Thursday overnight. Friday— morning flurries, low teens before bugging out in PM. Overall impressions of Grantsville wx: At 2,800’+ was not surprised temps ran 10-20 degrees colder than back home. Snowed most of the time each day. Flakes in the air even when not accumulating. It just wants to snow in Grantsville. Very few breaks of sun this week and even when sun came out there were still flakes in the air. Snow/no-snow line traveling west and then returning home was a bit east of Frostburg exit on I-68. A totally different weather world west of Frostburg.
Good heat and plenty of wood. Temp bottomed out at about 12°. Not much temperature movement. Winds have died down this morning. Never saw blizzard or whiteout conditions.
Grantsville, Md: Friday morning 9am Snowed all Thursday night, light but steady. 1” additional this morning. Temp 16°. Total since Wednesday approx 5”-7.5” depending on where you are. Light snow continuing this morning.
In a cabin in Keysers Ridge/Grantsville area (2830’ at cabin) 10mi NE of Accident. 10am Thursday: Temp 16° has been steady all morning. Breezy. Steady light non-accumulating snow this morning. Overcast now but has been some off and on peaks of sun. Measured 3” altho NWS reports 5” four miles east of Grantsville. I’m a little to the west.
Grantsville, Md. 7:15am Thursday Wet snow began around 10pm Wed, temp 36, S wind. Brief thunder and lightning around 2am with wind shift from S to W. Temps fell all night with NW winds. About 16° now with very light snow. A general 2”-3” overnight, less than the 3”-5” forecasted. Forecast is for snowshowers today and windy, light snow 1-3” tonite, tapering off during Friday morning, and then a little sun. Continued windy but slowly decreasing tomorrow.
In a cabin in Keysers Ridge/Grantsville area (2830’ at cabin) 10mi NE of Accident. 10:30pm update, maybe last today. Temp down from 36 to 33 in about last 30 mins. Gusty winds are accompanied by heavier snow bursts. Solidly snowing now. Grantsville had 15” early last week. There is still a solid and compacted 3-4” everywhere. No green grass in sight. No melting today.
We’d 10pm Update: snow has transitioned to what I’d call a decent wet S to S+, particularly during the increasing wind gusts when it seems like sheets of snow. No sticking yet as still a wet snow but quickly seeing more white. Surprisingly outside cabin thermometer still says 35 or 36 here near the ridge top but the temp is gonna crash soon.
In a cabin in Keysers Ridge/Grantsville area (2830’ at cabin) 10mi NE of Accident. Wed 9:15pm temp 35° seems like summer compared to prior two days’ hi temps of 20 and 22 with virtually all-day nonstop non-accumulating scattered snow showers and flurries. A thin coating on the car on Tuesday morning. Light steady snow began tonight about 8:45pm. Intensity seems to be slowly increasing at the moment. Breezes have really become gusty in last few hours here near the ridge top.
In a cabin in Keysers Ridge/Grantsville area (2830’ at cabin) 10mi NE of Accident. Monday hi 20, all-day flurries/snow showers Tuesday hi 22, same conditions Wed. hi 32, sunny a.m. but high solid overcast p.m. Blizzard Warnings kick in here mid-evening. WWA Summary by Location for 39.7N 79.16W with MDZ001/MDC023/MDZ001 emphasis Blizzard Warning