With so much angst, hand wringing and consternation about the weather, I thought I'd try to chime in with what I believe is helpful advice. While some folks like warmth, others snow, many enjoy active patterns, etc it all boils down to perspective. We can all choose to perceive the same information or data in either a positive or negative way. Here's a good example from my household that may help to shine a light on this better:
Negative Approach:
Wife says: "Please come upstairs and meet me in the bathroom."
My response: "Ugh. Alright....I'll be there in a minute."
Positive Approach:
Wife says: "Please cum upstairs and meat me in the bathroom."
My response: "Absolutely!!!!"
There are subtle differences, sometimes only discernible to the keen observer, but certainly meaningful nonetheless. I've found it's always best to take the positive approach
Good luck out there, I hope this helps.