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Everything posted by Layman

  1. This is another of the nuanced weather terms I've yet to get my head around. What is being referred to here?
  2. Absolutely. We try to only go on weekdays with a bias toward Tues/Weds/Thurs to maximize enjoyment.
  3. That's awesome! Just how we like it.
  4. Are you guys mobbed up there during the week? I've never ridden Stowe before but your posts have piqued my interest. Planning to run to Killington next week which is somewhere in the 2.5 - 2-3/4 hour ride from here. I ran up to Stowe in the Fall to buy a plow for the side by side and it was about 3 hours on the money door to door with all the highway driving. I'd like to check it out at some point but may opt for an overnight stay rather than a day trip.
  5. Getting gusty out there. Registered a 27.3mph gust about 15 minutes ago which is decent for here. Someones recycle bin blew by and I don't live close enough to anyone for that to be typical occurrence.
  6. I prefer to view it as just making room for more in the coming days. Gonna be easier to clean up without all that ice around.
  7. For those of you that can read the tea leaves in these maps, I'm curious how you interpret the quality or cohesiveness of these images from late January and today. Does it imply the modeling was accurate? Did the atmosphere trend in a way that made sense from late January's output to todays? Just curious because the general vibe seems to often be viewing a current map with some level of conviction but over time, it often changes, many times drastically, but does it do so in a sensible way? I'm assuming it does, and you can view it in hindsight and say "Sure, you can absolutely see how that evolution happened".
  8. I'm 99% certain I misinterpreted this upon first read but who knows - maybe he was a busy guy. Unsung hero of the team.
  9. Me: "Honey, not heading to Methuen this afternoon. Sword fighting practice is cancelled." Wife:
  10. We did this a few years back and recently weened off Youtube. Back to books and actual conversation. We work from home and need lots of bandwidth so household internet is the fastest we can get. Kids still use a ton of data streaming whatever they watch. Since we essentially only have Xfinity in our rural-ish neighborhood, that's what we're tied to. We use Xfinity mobile (uses Verizon towers) and live in a black hole of cell service which sucks. Dollar-wise though it's hard to beat. Four paid-in-full phones, 10gb/mo plan where we may use half since we're primarily on wifi, runs about $75/month which I think is very reasonable.
  11. Calling it 2.5" here. Near identical to the last event but with the colder temps prior and now rain, it made for much easier plowing. Hoping the rise into the 40's melts the driveway off to set us up for the next few potentials over the coming days.
  12. Is this slated as a Thursday morning event? I'm heading down to the metropolis of Methuen mid-afternoon on Thursday and would prefer rain over ice/snow for the drive.
  13. 3" ish here. Looks like another super fluffy 1/2-3/4" fell while plowing. The rain prior to the changeover obviously kept totals down. Sister in Farmington claims 6". Brother in Wolfeboro is saying 4". We had an uncharacteristic late night out last night and the way home at 1:45am featured solid rates with slick and snow covered roads.
  14. I'm assuming these averages are calculated over some rolling span of time? It's not simply year over year, is it?
  15. We've learned to adapt down here and take what we can get and enjoy it.
  16. For context because it’s hard to orient yourself in the sea of green:
  17. 37 here in my neck of the woods. Not looking good so far
  18. Exactly. This happens quite easily. My business partner out in SoCal was wearing a sweatshirt in 70 degree weather the other day on a call. I was like "It was 7 this morning with a 22mph wind". He's lived out here and knows what that's like but once you get some time under your belt in a different weather regime, you adapt to whatever that is. As @powderfreak has been saying, so many people (understandably so) view everything through their individual life experience and think it's either a winter-of-yore in Stowe VT or another non-winter in Taunton MA. Regionally, we seem to still be mired in a sub-par regime for snow lovers. As many have mentioned, at least the mountains have been able to produce and the ski areas blow snow. Winter is always only a couple/few hours away for most of us.
  19. Again, I don't know all the ins and outs, but my understanding is this is a flaggable offense in sword fighting and it sounds like he should know better.
  20. I'm still learning many of the nuanced expressions in the weather world, but how does one determine if 2 dudes will be: 1) High Fiving 2) Sword Fighting 3) Slapping Dongs on the NJ Turnpike These things seem highly complex to the uneducated viewer.
  21. Conditions look awesome! It's been a loooong time since I've been over there but am planning to head out that way in a couple weeks. Hopefully the weather cooperates and conditions stay as good as they look in your pics.
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