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Everything posted by Layman

  1. After yesterday and today's wind, this is where we sit. The rest of the snow is packed into the tree line a few acres east of this stake!
  2. Clearest video yet of that Delta regional crash in Toronto - all crew and passengers survived thankfully. https://x.com/fl360aero/status/1891805600838766911
  3. Recorded my highest gust ever on this PWS at 1:29pm today - 49mph
  4. Pics don’t do it justice but there’s a lot of snow and snow chunks flying through the air here.
  5. Absolutely ripping here. Snow twisters spinning up across the field like crazy. If we didn't get that sleet, the drifts would be impressive.
  6. Praying you're able to rebuild after this.
  7. Breezy this morning but no high winds yet. We did record a 36.5mph gust at about 1:45am which is really solid for here. Haven’t attempted to plow yet but will soon. Left everything untouched assuming we’d get lots of ZR but thankfully that didn’t happen. Ended with about 9” total.
  8. Welcome dryslot, good to meet you!
  9. On an iPhone (maybe other phones?) go to pictures, click on the pic, take a screenshot, crop it and post that. It shrinks it from like 5mb down to 1mb-ish.
  10. Similar situation here but at 26.6 now. Looks like we'll avoid the freezing rain thankfully. Didn't clear anything today. The wife and I will likely plow in the morning. Then clear the driveway
  11. Down to 27.7 here a few miles west of you. Temp dropped quick!
  12. Temp rapidly dropped here - down to 29.7
  13. Downtown Dover NH sitting in mid-20’s while Dover Point and Newington at 33 to 34. Pretty neat.
  14. Sitting at 32.9 at the moment and still mostly fine snow. Little sleet here and there, no ZR yet. Hope we get spared here. 4pm 2/15 on the left, 1:25pm 2/16 on the right. No complaints. Edit: dates and mistakes!
  15. Thoughts/predictions where the warmth will ultimately stall out pushing north?
  16. DTBD? Deliver The Big Dog? Doubt The Big Dog? Drop Trou Bang Dongs? Don't Think Be Dumb? Damage (in) Tolland's Body Double? Damn Tight Back Door? Dumping Tries But Doesn't? Digits To Be Doubled? So many options - it's GOT to be one of those!
  17. That doesn't make cents. I'll see myself out...
  18. Someone mentioned previously that screenshotting the image and cropping THAT image will shrink it. Works on an iPhone - not sure about a Pixel.
  19. How far south do your draw your CNE line? CON? ASH?
  20. A bit gloomy in here this morning. Hello Darkness My Old Friend
  21. Beautiful day at Killington yesterday. My first time back in probably over 20 years. We took a long break raising kids (they're 18 and 20yo now) and it feels awesome getting back into it again. Chilly start to the morning at home at -2. The moon was stunning on the ride up. Met my brother in Concord so we could re-live the days of yore on the mountain. We used to ride all the time together from 1995-2001ish and really haven't since so it has been fun getting together again this year after such a long layoff. The mountain was 100% open, not a ton of people there, snow conditions were great, a little breezy, a little chilly up top, but once you got into the trees it was fine. Overall a fantastic, memorable day! The morning sun dipping below the trees Excellent conditions My wife at the bottom of Highline - she's not a fan of black diamond trails but did great! My brother and youngest son on the last run of the day.
  22. Prices are pretty crazy these days. This is our first season back to the mountains after ~20 years raising the kids. Different stages of life. We're having an absolute blast and it's totally worth it. Conditions have been stellar lately - well worth it. Killington yesterday, 100% open, not very busy and awesome riding!
  23. 2pm 2/8 on the left, 9:30am 2/9 on the right. Super light and fluffy. Looks like proper winter of yore out there now.
  24. I didn't measure here (I would've slant-sticked) but it was a solid 3.5-4". Plowed "bigger" than the last two storms. I got a little over zealous with the SxS clearing the drive and got the blade locked in a right tilt just as I finished up. We jumped from the SxS into the car and raced down to Methuen for a pre-planned thing and had a neat weather experience: Roads were a mess from home to the Hampton tolls. Snow-covered the whole way looked almost like they didn't plow. About a half mile from the tolls we see someone racing up 95N - wife and look at each and as we're saying "He's gonna wreck!" we both said "Hey! That side is just wet!" Temps went from 26 just before the tolls, to 28 and wet roads in Seabrook, to 34 at 495. My PWS stayed below 25 through about 6am this morning. The warmth never got up here. After ripping the heater and dash out of the SxS today I found it was just a blown fuse preventing accessory power from angling the plow. All fixed and ready for the next round tomorrow night!
  25. 14.2 - super fine flakes started 10-15 minutes ago.
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