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Everything posted by Layman

  1. It can get pretty scientific: 91geese / 16sea gulls + Xducks = 0"snow / 2"green grass
  2. Can confirm. More geese than people at the dying Fox Run Mall. Has a distinct late March, early April feel out there today.
  3. December is up to 7.92" of rain this month at my location with a little more on the way today apparently. 62.76" on the year. 40.5F at 9:20am - Feeling like grilling weather. If it ever dries out, we'll be grilling.
  4. My wife and I had our digital lives hacked in mid-December freezing debit cards, apps, etc. THAT sucked and still sucks as we're waiting for new cards and the whole thing to get sorted out. The weather that I have no control over not doing what I want? Psh.
  5. Through 1:30pm on 12/29/2023, my location has received 62.63" of rain since January 1, 2023 according to my PWS. That seems like a significant amount. Visualizing it as 5' of standing water covering everything here is pretty crazy. Ironically, no real mushroom problem throughout the year. Unlike other wet years, that didn't seem quite as wet in total as this one, where it was a constant battle between mud, trying to mow, and mushrooms blooming all over the yard. As I've gotten older and understand I have no power over the weather, I have a greater appreciation for what happens in the here and now as well as how it differs from season to season, year to year. Weather is going to do what weather is going to do. We simply experience it.
  6. This post needs to be preserved and archived so it can be pulled out and referenced over many future summer and winter months and enjoyed by all over and over again.
  7. It's still raining here. I'm up to 7.18" of rain on the month and it's still raining with more rain expected over the next 24-48 hours. If I look back next December and see 7" on the board I'm likely to think "Not bad, at least we got about a half foot of snow"...
  8. Spent a few days away to rest and relax - checking in to see what’s happening. Anyone else notice how warm and rainy it’s been? 41.0 and 0.10” rain as of 6:45am
  9. Thanks for all the feedback regarding helmets, I appreciate it.
  10. My brother relayed a similar story to me from about the same timeframe at Sunday River. He said he was essentially the only one there without a helmet. Ironically, he fell quite hard, hit his head, likely suffered a minor concussion and has worn a helmet ever since. We'll likely have the whole family rent some current gear the first time out to see how it goes. We've got 10-12 complete setups dating back about 20 years but I was amazed to find when I dug them out the other day how deteriorated the bindings were simply from sitting idle in a temperature controlled environment. Some of the plastics were so brittle they cracked or disintegrated with a slight squeeze. Not going to risk my aging and pained body with that
  11. Are helmets required PPE at resorts nowadays or just a smart decision to keep the semi-important grey matter in tact? It's been many years since we've been snowboarding and are planning on taking the kids this year while seeing if taking a break for half our lives has had any impact on our abilities...
  12. Totally embracing it here and will definitely be cooking out within the next 72 hours. Whether winter happens or not is out of my control and lemonade will be made regardless. My wood stove will enjoy the reprieve until it gets cold again. The kids however....probably going to want the warmth to hang around a bit to enjoy their Christmas gifts.
  13. What a neat shot from one of the Wildcat cams this morning:
  14. Wow - incredible damage up there.
  15. For those who work at the resorts and/or have knowledge of mountain ops, what kind of info is there regarding snowmaking? Specifically, are there known ratios for how much snow can be made, and/or ground covered at certain temperatures, water content and air pressure? For example, if there's a super stable airmass at 20 degrees F for 24 hours, can it be reasonably precisely calculated how much ground can be covered at X inches of depth?
  16. Beautiful morning on top of Mt. Washington judging by the cam. Not much snow still.
  17. Don't overthink it. Kill two birds with one stone and enjoy your trip!
  18. From this, to this in a mere 72 hours
  19. Wolfie's From Mars, George Is From Venus
  20. I was checking all the local cams earlier and everybody seems to be working hard with guns blazing trying to rebuild. Except Wildcat, oddly. They were the only ones with no apparent signs of snowmaking. The NH resorts seemed to be making good progress. The Sunday River conditions report sounded rough. Definitely recovering from a traumatic experience. One of my kids was up at Gunstock yesterday (first time ever) and was able to have fun on a few trails learning to snowboard. Hopefully the cold over the next couple days allows everyone to claw back some ground and prep for whatever comes next.
  21. Imagine what the Venusian ski industry was like before the collapse. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/12/venus-was-like-earth-until-climate-change-uninhabitable/
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