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Everything posted by Layman

  1. Video of a tornado hitting a weather station in FL as they were live on air reporting on. No spectacular footage but still interesting: https://x.com/foxweather/status/1899106850160718063
  2. Was just out on the porch with shorts and a t-shirt on and 4 motorcycles went by in the span of about 30 mins. Thought you might be doing a scenic ride around the bay.
  3. Am I incorrect in thinking that the models take inputs from sensors reading actual weather stats across the hemisphere? If they do read actual data, wouldn't they be sampling the record West to East speeds? If so, I'm confused as to why the models would be slowing systems down for the past 15ish years. I could see a programming issue, but it seems that this data would scream for some sort of adjustment or at the very least, make an attempt to assimilate it better in the outputs.
  4. How long of a ride was it from Baltimore? I'm on the Seacoast of NH and it was about 2 hours 45 mins a couple weeks ago. Makes for a long day there and back!
  5. Is there a resource to compare current temps to the various 30 year norms? Curious what current temps are like compared to the 1931-1960 period. I may be mistaken, but I thought the 1930's had significant warmth but I may be confusing that with a lack of snow...?
  6. Thank you. I went to download the app and lo and behold...it's on my phone. Not 100% sure when I grabbed it, but apparently I did, registered/logged on, it remembered me just now and I had completely forgotten about it and the entire process of getting and using it
  7. I also have that same exact unit, 4-6 years of use, works great with no issues. Provides all the basic info and has good access online via WeatherUnderground and the Ambient Weather site. I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't even realize there was a dedicated app! I thought the Ambient Weather app was only for installation. I'll have to check that out. I've been considering an upgrade to a Davis based on the screenshots I've seen here and the granular data they offer but the reality is, I'm still not at a point where I fully understand it all so is it worth it...? We'll see!
  8. I may be misunderstanding exactly what you're saying here, but it sounds interesting in that it seems to run counter to other statements I've seen about warmth being easier to forecast and/or maintain in guidance. I believe that's with respect to comparing to a snowstorm specifically. Where a storm needs a fair number of variables to come together just right to provide a "decent" event across the region. My understanding from reading here is that when warmth shows up, it has a higher likelihood of hanging on rather than a big benchmark storm appearing 8 days out in guidance. I'm assuming both your statement above and the other statements about warmth being easier to maintain can be true.
  9. Could I please ask how the pictured temp anomaly map relates to a potential 90 degree day? I'm not sure how it's being interpreted to get there. If 90 is unrealistic, what do the seasoned folks here take away from this map with respect to the potential for on-the-ground warmth? i.e.: what would be a reasonable ground level temp that could be seen if this verifies? My cursory, layman's attempt to understand it says that at 850 hPa (4,500'ish up - I had to look it up) temps could be 6-7 degrees C over most of New England...? Or, is it 6-7 degrees C above normal temps for March 12th? If it's above the traditional normal temps for March 12th, are those identified anywhere within this graphic or in a key, etc? Thanks for any assistance to help me understand better!
  10. That looks awesome! Hope you had a great day
  11. Maybe the paper jammed and they needed to make something up on the spot
  12. 33 currently, waffling between wet flakes and white rain/rain. Spiked to 35 earlier but dropped quickly. Pack held up surprisingly well over the past few days. 9ish on the ground still. SxS tracks were from heading out to grab firewood the other day when there was still 12”+ OTG. 4 wheel low and she still wasn’t loving it. “All terrain vehicle” is a misnomer
  13. 1927-1932 was no peach there either. Lots of ebbing and flowing throughout over that span of recorded winters. I'll continue to contend that 150ish years of data is insanely small when dealing with something like meteorology. Glad people had the wherewithal to track that at least.
  14. @tamarack I was heading up 95N in Maine yesterday and near Kennebunk there was a tree cutting operation on the side of the road for a few miles. Looked to be predominantly pine, all stacked nicely in bundles/piles. That stretch has always seemed to flow really well so I assumed it wasn’t for some future fourth lane expansion. I was curious though, does the state harvest the wood to their setback and use that for income? It looked to be a good deal beyond what I see when Eversource comes through trimming their ROW’s and was staged very cleanly for retrieval.
  15. I know I asked basically the same thing earlier, but this is with respect to the 1991-2020 30 year averages, correct? To that end, is there a specific reason for using the 30 year timeframe? I believe @dendrite mentioned they were updated every 5 years if I recall correctly. My guess is that the recent 30 year look back allows for near term trend identification and accounts for relevant, real-time-ish temps.
  16. Don't ever discount this and take for granted how lucky your are! My back issues have had debilitating affects over my life. Small and careful improvements/rehab over time allow to continue to do things but it's always an issue.
  17. Please be safe! Looks extremely treacherous.
  18. I think you mentioned this previously, and I believe it says it right there on the bottom right of the image, but when saying "the globe is warm", that is specifically with respect to the global climate from 1991 to 2020, correct?
  19. Do those have reverse these days? The last machine I had was a 10 year old Motoski that I bought for a dollar in 1983. It looked and rode like it was 40 years old at the time I imagine they've come quite a way in the past 50 years. It was a beast for my 10 year old self to try and manage. My wife wants to rent some to try it out at some point. I'm thinking a compromise is tracks for the SxS!
  20. I was catching up this morning and totally thought you had posted that map until I saw your reply I'm a fan of the pretty maps though, and enjoy seeing them posted regardless of how inaccurate they are. Keep em coming!
  21. After yesterday and today's wind, this is where we sit. The rest of the snow is packed into the tree line a few acres east of this stake!
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