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About Layman

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Great Bay NH

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  1. Is there a simple explanation for someone like me to understand why the warmer temps can't move N/NE? My simplistic interpretation of what you posted is that the NErly wind speeds are greater than those flowing SErly onshore from the GOM. What is it about the cold to the NE that prevents the greater wind speeds from simply pushing past that? I'm guessing this is very remedial stuff, but hey, that's where I'm at
  2. Yep, the original Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump 250, AKA "SuperDump 250". It worked. But like clockwork with that bathroom trip. Word was it was due to magnesium content. The Wild West of supplements back then!
  3. Absolutely. Dan Duchaine FTW formulating the original. There were some exceptional pre-workouts in the early 2000's that HAD to have been spiked with Adderall. I remember feeling like a machine on some of them. 48 here at 10:45am. Definitely pulling for the NAM to be right this weekend. Even just a taste of 70's before crashing back to the high 30's will be fine.
  4. Is it just me or is "young cougar" kind of an oxymoron?
  5. Pre-workout of champions right there. Failure is reached when tendons detach from bones.
  6. If that holds up, I'm leaving the low 30's at the house and heading south in the morning wearing some old jeans like this Then cutting off the legs to bask in the warmth like this
  7. My understanding is you have an inclination for summer-time severe weather and I'm assuming the greens -> orange imply that. On these maps though, when the green/yellow/orange show up, what is it signifying? Wind direction/speed? I'm assuming wind direction and speed at various height levels but I don't have an understanding of how that translates weather-wise. I'm also assuming that may have something to do with the phrase "mixing down" that I kind of understand.
  8. We drove up past your area yesterday heading to Bretton Woods. Rain/mist the entire way until we got about 2 miles onto Route 3 above Cannon. It was beautiful up there! Mid-50's, clear blue skies. Night and day difference. That recent warmth and rain sure decimated the snow depths. Let's get this useless cold out of here and head onto 70+ degree temps! 41 here with 0.45" or rain overnight.
  9. We closed out our season of snowboarding at Bretton Woods yesterday. At the house in the morning it was dense fog and drizzle. That held all the way north til we hit Route 3 just above Cannon. A mile or two up Route 3 and it was clear blue skies, decent breeze, temps in the mid-50's and absolutely beautiful. Conditions were great for warm, wet, Spring-time riding. We had a blast! Unfortunately, we capped the day a little early due to a crash I took. No issues all season long until trying to sneak by a skills-challenged rider on a narrow crossover back to the gondola that had a big muddy/rocky washout. He turned into me, I turned toward the mud to not collide, jumped to try and get over the mud, caught my edge and smashed knees/chest/elbows in the mud and rocks as I slid to a stop. Not fun. Nothing broken but bruised throughout today, ripped Goretex pants and about a half pound of mud in the washer. I was an absolute mess! The Slopes app claims I went from 18.6mph to zero at that moment. At 51yo it hurts a little more than it use to Me earlier in the day - Beautiful out! Rain/mist picked right back up at the Route 3/93 intersection and kept up all the way home.
  10. This is pervasive throughout society no matter the topic. We all have our individual biases where we tend to agree or disagree with whichever topic du jour is being discussed and base our opinions on the data we believe is factual and relevant. The depth of conviction of those individual beliefs and the louder one proclaims their allegiance to them often helps manipulate the audience's commitment to those ideas as you have mentioned. Interesting stuff.
  11. For the past couple weeks there has been a huge flock of geese in a big field in Stratham off Rt 108. Been hearing them daily overhead as they're maneuvering around locally. The liquor store parking lot/sidewalk at the Portsmouth Traffic Circle was loaded with goose crap last weekend but no geese in sight. Didn't see many/any down there over the winter this year where the past couple years they seemed to bed down for the entirety of winter. Not sure if it speaks to anything or not, but I tend to believe along the lines you mentioned where they figured it was time to see if it's safe and ready to come back.
  12. It might not have been a long stretch, and likely only remembered so clearly because of the holiday's it affected, but not too long ago (2018, 2019?) Memorial Day was rainy and in the low to mid-40's and 4th of July was mid-40's but at least void of rain. Whichever recent year that was stuck out to me as quite bad. I don't recall 2005 well aside from that Fall. We got our cert of occupancy for the house in October and I seem to remember it was a deluge from there on out (could've been 2006 though?). All of you here have great memories for this stuff, I clearly struggle
  13. I have personally witnessed biased, dishonest research and researchers influencing and/or altering results in both private sector and public settings at the the state and federal level so my perspective takes that heavily into consideration. At one time it was fervently believed that: the sun revolved around the earth, the earth was flat, bloodletting cured illness, lobotomies cured psychological disorders, eggs are bad for you, no, eggs are good for you, no eggs raise cholesterol, no, eggs have no effect on cholesterol, etc, etc, etc, the earth is entering another ice age, no the earth is warming, etc, etc, etc. Presumably state-of-the-art science and research to some extent has been behind each one of those beliefs or understandings. Today, us humans believe we're at the very pinnacle of our understanding of ourselves and our world, more knowledge than any civilization ever. Current science and research is state-of-the-art. Just like it has been throughout time immemorial. Are our tools, methods, devices, understanding more precise than years past? We sure think so. Can that change in the future? If the past is any guide, absolutely. I see "science" as something very specific - a simple following of the scientific method. A hard-line approach ensuring zero bias, reliable, concise data, etc. When those essential components of science are toyed with, it ruins the "science". Changing definitions, ignoring facts, inserting bias, altering data - these are all things that have become very evident to be occurring. Even as we're at the pinnacle of our understanding. So I concur, it is difficult to faithfully accept all science these days. Maybe it has always been that way...?
  14. Video of a tornado hitting a weather station in FL as they were live on air reporting on. No spectacular footage but still interesting: https://x.com/foxweather/status/1899106850160718063
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