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About Wxtrix

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Charles Town, WV

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  1. i’m in a lull, with an inch on the deck there’s another yellow batch to the west.
  2. can’t believe it—1/2 mile visibility so now moderate snow. my county only got added to the WWA this morning.
  3. the sleet and snow has switched over to big flakes.
  4. rain and sleet when i headed to church, snow and sleet for the drive back. 33F at home and I'm curious about the yellows to my west.
  5. 33 for the high. way too cold.
  6. 1.68” of rain—the most in a long time. currently 40 degrees and winds gusting around 30.
  7. it's been 50 degrees for a good while now--we never got the promised warm up--and .77"of rain with more incoming.
  8. overnight low of 16 (forecast was 20 i think) which is the coldest night this season so far. currently 37/21 with surprise light snow falling.
  9. caught the pulse up—it was visible to the naked eye.
  10. cousin in Myrtle Beach can see them with her camera.
  11. already visible in Europe. we might have luck tonight.
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