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Everything posted by vegan_edible

  1. ignorant question, but i dont really know anything aside from looking at models and i just want some damn snow. if there were to be a nor'easter this season, about how fast do they develop? they're relatively fast forming storms right? just wondering if it would be hard for a model to pick up on one more than 5 days out
  2. I refuse to give up hope on this winter, but my very primitive knowledge of weather I've gained in the past month has taught me this the GFS was made to get my hopes up the ECMWF was made to shatter my dreams
  3. I'm really hoping so, my first year back on the east coast in years and I'm just begging for a snowstorm at this point
  4. to all my nyc metro people, may i present to you our next fantasy storm. 12Z GFS. I'm not giving up hope this early in the season, especially for myself here in westchester. Let's see how many times this one gets the ol' switcharoo before it lands.
  5. god id love to see one significant snowfall this season. i mean we realistically cant make it april without ONE right...? right?
  6. ecmwf 00z shows some snow on the tail end saturday night/sunday. just one model but gives me some type of hope. lets see what the 12z has to offer
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