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Everything posted by vegan_edible

  1. went out skateboarding in white plains, freezing rain hit out of nowhere and it was a slippery session, lets hope something produces this week
  2. kinda hilarious imo that models show snow within 5 days for us and all of a sudden everyones like "it wont snow". i get it, but lets have a little faith here people. in white plains in december we definitely got an inch from that little event mid month, lets hope we can develop something this week. GFS seems like a reach but hey i wouldnt be mad if that was right
  3. i thought i was the only one under 30 on this thing jk guys i like it here dont ban me
  4. dear god PLEASE GIVE US ONE. two weeks away though, if that thing comes through as depicted this sub needs to collectively play the lotto together. We can be rich and enjoy the snow
  5. HAHAHA what if that one of all models turned out to be right. Imagine the reaction on the subforum
  6. if we can make it through this weekend and the euro still has snow coming for us it could be go time... maybe
  7. Looks like some mixed precipitation in my neck of the woods, im gonna remain hopeful. would love to see a flake or two
  8. i dont but i saw some talk about it on here the other day, looked and i was like "oh boy! blue precipitation not green" now look at us
  9. nvrmind updated ICON is a dumpster fire like all the weather we've had this winter
  10. I like surprises, Icon looks promising too. I wouldn't bet on it tho
  11. insanely stupid far away fantasy land, but maybe, just MAYBE we can pull one off before January closes out. I didn't leave southern california to move back here and not get any snow...
  12. ayo white plains in the building!
  13. not looking too bad tho, if a couple minor shifts happen we could get something out of this
  14. White Plains had a little over an inch from that mid december storm
  15. im new here obviously, i kinda went on a self guided learning expedition of the weather because i want snow so bad. but my god the beef in here is so good sometimes
  16. god dang, let's cross our fingers, i think this one COULD and i mean COULD sparingly be in reach for us. Lines up nice with my girlfriends birthday too... fingers crossed
  17. im interested to see what happens with the 12z EURO. Maybe last nights was an outlier and the storm changes trajectory for Monday and we end up with some snowfall. Wishful thinking, close only counts in horseshoes rights?
  18. euro is looking strong for a week from today. honestly, the euro has let us down but its nothing compared to how inconsistent the GFS is. I'm gonna hope this one works itself out
  19. 12z GFS shows promise for next monday, but we all know how this goes...
  20. Snow showers in White Plains, brought me some much needed joy. Akin to craving a burger then driving by a fast food restaurant and getting a big wiff, but still its something!
  22. lets see what the 18z GFS has in store for those 2 systems. I have heard that the 6z and 18z aren't as accurate due to not accounting for certain upper level dynamics but that could be total BS. someone who knows more than me (literally anyone on this forum) please inform me. I feel like a lost puppy reading some of these scientific replies but I love it
  23. I live literally 100 yards south of 287, i can see it from my window. I'm praying for this
  24. It's so far out but lets hope the GFS out-performs the Euro on this one. I have noticed although all these systems have torched, it looks like the Euro over predicts mild temperatures. I have my fingers crossed on this one. But, who knows. I have read some very good looking evidence that the PV will extend to us hopefully bringing some type of snow to the region this winter
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