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Everything posted by vegan_edible

  1. really hope we just salvage this dumpster fire with one decent event or we wrap it up, get some HOT weather mid spring and just bank on a good winter next year... i cant imagine this happening again next year. also miss me with that wet cold spring type crap that'd be the cherry on top of this horrendous winter
  2. i'm not gonna complain too much about todays weather, im working from home, got the windows open, ice cold kombucha to sip on. it could be worse. still got my fingers crossed for a late feb/early march event but as i said yesterday lets hope we can line up some good stuff for next year, I would kill for a december nor'easter
  3. End of the GFS shows a little cool down, but at this point I kinda wanna just wrap this up, get some summer heat going then a productive december... thatd be cool
  4. GFS seems to pull some major switch ups with every run, hopefully something positive changes and locks us in. Also, hoping the ECMWF corrects. That thing has been flip flopping like no other all season
  5. i hope you just reversed psychology'd the end of the month with your tags hahaha
  6. im holding out hope after this week things MAYBE take a turn in our favor. The odds are certainly stacked up against us, but late february can be a wildcard, not only that but the model guidance keeps hinting at some cooler temperatures late next weekend. we will see some type of event late feb? who knows
  7. I remember that storm! I was 7 at the time, mom got me my first "pro" skateboard and i remember not being able to leave the house to see family because of the snow. I distinctly remember making tunnels in the snow that christmas, good times.
  8. selfishly the salt has ruined my ability to skate after work. also, not selfishly, absolutely massive waste of time, resources and environmental harm done for what in reality is a glorified dusting... i woke up this morning and my complex had salted the parking lot, ok that makes sense, i pull out onto state route 22... salt everywhere. what the hell is happening
  9. much love to you rclab. I have to say this is a fantastic community ive stumbled into, before this winter i had no clue about weather really, besides what you hear on the news. but you all have educated me greatly also i guess snowman19 really dipped on us huh?
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