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Everything posted by vegan_edible

  1. seriously, that was ridiculous
  2. unbelievably stoked to get the salt washed out of here... terrible for the environment, terrible for us, and for selfish reasons, the weather has been nice and ive been able to skate more regularly. but, the salt does a lovely job of ruining the bearings in my wheels. like absolutely kills them. so for a multitude of reasons, i dont think ive ever been so excited for rain
  3. i agree with you, but my stance on winter is from thanksgiving until the end of january, im a happy camper with as much cold and snow as possible. i start getting a little nuts by the beginning of february. having said that, i've lived in southern california and i love it, but miss living in actual fall and winter. so its really a double edged sword. i've spent a good amount of time in pheonix too, the winters are nice, summer is miserable.
  4. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20364651
  5. just took a long walk, didn't measure but it felt really wintery out there. now im ready for spring but this brought a smile to my face, felt like a kid again
  6. i think around saturday at 18z we'll see where things stand. scared of suppression though
  7. never seen the pressure drop this low with this thing. need a paper towel lmao
  8. as much as i love winter, i call it quits last day of feb. you can't honestly tell me that a 28 degree march would be fun. lets sneak one more event in over the next 2 weeks and get back at it in late november
  9. in an ideal world, my ideal world at least. this upcoming thursdays system goes ku mode, then we start march with sunny and 65. i'd love that
  10. one of my favorite walking paths in westchester. did you go through the woods at all? absolutely amazing after a snowfall
  11. hello fellow mid-westchester dweller. i think we're in good-ish spot compared to the majority of the sub. time will most definitely tell, but im gonna guess 3-4" in wp, maybe 4-6 thornwood?
  12. this is the convo you're engaging with.
  13. thank god for that. i dont really understand why folks like march snow. dont get me wrong im excited for these upcoming periods of tracking and hopefully scoring some snow. once march 1st hits i'd be happiest person on earth if it was 70 and sunny everyday
  14. we always do better up this way. remember in the absolute miserable year that was 22/23 we somehow pulled 5ish inches out of the late feb event but the city got skunked entirely? i assume we're gonna be on the high side of the metro readings
  15. really hope we get a good stretch the next few weeks. then march 1st its 70 and sunny for the foreseeable future
  16. on a serious note though, at this point in time we should all collectively *take a breath* and admit that the best part of winter climo is rapidly coming to a close. although the hope to see a decent snow event should not be lost entirely we should be rational with the way we interpret data and not jump into some sort of false hope scenario. maybe we score in late feb, if we dont, too bad. next year we try again
  17. i for one am buckling myself in for june! heard the shortwaves can really stir up a 5-8" event. im kinda worried about the mjo tho
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