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About EstorilM

  • Birthday 06/11/1984

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Middleburg, VA PWS: KVAMIDDL64

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  1. Just randomly gust to 35 after being basically dead calm all day. I knew the front was coming through but this is powerful - must have caught LWX off guard too, no mention of headlines in any recent disco and they issued the advisory after the winds hit.
  2. Peak gust 34.2 a little bit ago - it was dead calm here at the farm, then BOOM. We have a clear shot of flat fields towards the valley at the base of the blue ridge, so it hits pretty quick and doesn’t let up. I’m a little surprised about the wind advisory being issued as the event is already taking place - kinda sounds like they got caught with their pants down on this one.
  3. Back roads now covered (went from nothing to a coating in the last 15 minutes). The horses aren’t thrilled but the dogs definitely are lol.
  4. Grass is pretty much covered now, really accumulating now with the lowering sun angle.
  5. WTOP radio just said “looks like the DC area is going to be the jackpot for this winter storm”
  6. Just transitioned to legit snow in Middleburg now, vis dropping, car said temps down to 29 degrees a minute ago to grab some lunch.
  7. Temps down 5 degrees in 1.5hr down to 30.7 - nothing accumulating yet but this has some thump potential if the show isn’t supposed to start for another ~4hr or so.
  8. Damn, weather radio just set off in the tractor - I didn’t realize the mountains were in an ice storm warning for up to 1/3” of ice (AFTER the WSW stuff). That’s no joke…
  9. Mike Thomas’ adjustments last night (narrowing the jackpot zone) look pretty good, I think he had 5-8” for a narrow swath. I don’t hear him mentioned much, but he’s a pretty good local met for Fox 5 and posts a LOT of stuff on X (especially before/during events.) @MikeTFox5
  10. Yup same, every few minutes the flakes get big (only for a second or two) then back to flurries, kinda interesting. Moving some hay around for horses with the tractor and it’s almost windshield wiper time. Ok, more like windshield “wipe” time. Actually as I’m typing the flurries just filled in a bunch, don’t have to look for it now - borderline snow. edit: Just checked RadarScope and STATE COLLEGE 110mi north has snow reports also? That’s crazy they filled in the same time as DC suburbs and it’s been snowing since sunrise in RIC lol.
  11. I feel like most of this is going to fall well after most are already home from school though? (Like on a normal day) - weird. I’d totally understand canceling afterschool activities though.
  12. Did anyone actually have an early dismissal today? I can kinda understand a delay tomorrow.
  13. Temps dropped 1.5 degrees in about 25 min, south winds up a bit too (7g15) - sideways flurries filling in a bit.
  14. Flurries in Middleburg / western Loudoun, looks like it’s filling in pretty quick on radar the last 30 min (the “virga zone” between Winchester/Front Royal and Loudoun.) edit: Yup mountains starting to disappear
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