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Everything posted by Childude645

  1. heavy bursts of rain on the vineyard right now, otherwise a super beautiful fall day!
  2. Still fun tracking with you all! Total dud here on Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket aswell. Not even a power outage. And a few downed limbs…. Could anyone explain what happened in the 11th hour that would have reduced severity in SNE and cause minimal rain fall (outside of Chatham and Nantucket’s rainfall) .
  3. does anyone have an explanation for whats keeping the rain bands from moving west? barely raining west of barnstable...
  4. Beautiful day on the vineyard, partly cloudy this am but breezy and sunny for a few hours today. Cloud cover is rolling in but haven’t felt any gusts over 30 yet today .
  5. Exactly it’s blows +40mph here multiple times a year. What we aren’t accustomed to is hurricanes or at least we haven’t been for a long time. Was just speaking to my uncle about his and my parents parents remembering 38… for a while they took every subsequent tropical/ hurricane event very seriously. But slowly but surely every year since there’s been less and less of a concern or worry about hurricanes. NEnglanders overall are no longer prepared for big storms like our friends in FL .
  6. Hrmmm that’s a bit close but you’ll be heading up and away from the storm…. Unsure really. any updates from airline? .
  7. Will South or North shore of Islands be more exciting to watch on Saturday? .
  8. this! considering the cost of the damages of '38 was in the 10s of millions (adjusted for inflation) the cost of a storm this size these days with incresed population and building density would be incredibly high.
  9. that is super interesting! I was just looking at https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=41001 East Hatteras buoy seeing first swells here, expecting larger surf picking up tomorrow from block island to nantucket
  10. Where on cape? I think we will see some heavy surf on the islands and some significant rain
  11. You’d drive to the cape if it was gunna hit?
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