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Everything posted by BaltimoreWxGuy

  1. For what it’s worth the Euro did cut back on snow particularly around I95 in DC and Balt. Not surprising. But stil 6-7 totals in northern MD
  2. I’m at 39. Even a 6 degree temperature drop from Evap cooling in my opinion is asking for a lot down this way.
  3. He seems to have become a real weenie since he went to Philly
  4. You’re gonna end up disappointed in Ellicott City
  5. I would agree with that lol. Low elevation and the bay are a b*tch
  6. It’s 40 in the Dalk. Hard for me to buy much more than 1” of stop. Just not enough cold air around
  7. Interesting that there’s a winter storm watch in Chestertown on the eastern shore...it’s literally due east across the bay from Dundalk/ESsex. I think their criteria is a little lower with 2-4 but still
  8. Didn’t think they really didn’t on 12z either
  9. Dundalk Md? Ya know since we’re being location specific and all
  10. Well you know what I’m saying. I think it’s better at calculating on the snow amounts on the edges of the rain/snow line etc
  11. I think the Euro has a lot more realistic algorithm in calculating on the snow maps than the other models especially the GEM. But yeah it’s still really close but you would think this is classic elevation dependent for the higher totals
  12. I don’t think it’s a non event, well I guess it depends on the definition but I95 around Baltimore I think has a chance for a couple of wet inches mainly on cold surfaces hence the advisory.
  13. As long as it’s not around North Avenue I’m in lol
  14. The snow map doesn’t make sense with what the conditionals show for our area. So one of them is wrong. Shows how tight this storm is though. Got to think elevation plays a role
  15. Metro Baltimore stays right on the rain snow line thru the duration on the 3K. Lol that’ll make for a difficult forecast
  16. The onset on the 3K is a couple hrs later than 12k which in my opinion is good. I’d rather get the snow burst after 3 and have a chance of it still snowing near sunset than at noon or 1 and already mixing with or changing to rain by 4
  17. 3K has a nice snow burst from 3-5pm for most of us
  18. Yeah but it’s hard for me to believe that snow is going to accumulate well in the mid afternoon around the metros. We need to switch back to snow in the mid to late evening and pick up a couple of inches at the end
  19. GEFS?, disappointed in this group. Guess I’ll have to stop being lazy and check for myself
  20. Just a weaker less amped storm I suppose? Faster northern stream push...
  21. Henry Marguisitys old rule of thumb for Baltimore was if St Louis gets a good snow then Baltimore does too lol. Obviously that’s flawed some. But it does look like they’ll get 4-8 from this
  22. This one is a classic track and storm that develops for someone in the Mid ATL to get 4-8”. Its how most of our area gets 4-8” snow storms. It just depends on track. As PSU I think said, If it’s along VA/NC border, we all cash in on 4-8” if it’s southern Chesapeake then it’s a north and west forum snow. If it tracks over us then snow is up in Central PA. It’s literally all about the track, it’s clear cut. No cold air damning to look at or other crap
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