If you like hefty stouts, try nightmare brewery scaphism. Imperial Stout Brewed with Milk Sugar, Honey, Aged on Tahitian Vanilla & Organic Cacao
the can art is damn cool too
The 6z GFS was bonkers on QPF..2-3” area wide then 12z backed off. We’ll see, sometimes this close in, an older model run gets it more correct than one right before it happens.
Seems like models are having trouble and going back and forth with how potent the main line of showers and storms is between 8pm and 2am. The NAMs don’t even show .5 or more of precipitation whereas 6z GFS was 2-3” area wide and now 12z is around 1-1.75”. I guess we’ll just have to see how that main line performs to verify or bust rain totals/severe weather. But it seems like that strong of a southerly jet would argue heavy rain but ?
Looks like rates might be a little lower over the next hour or so. I do have some grass coating here in Dundalk but no signs of any pavement caving yet.
Light white rain in Dundalk. Flakes really have that wet look and it’s coming straight down. Bet I switch to rain pretty early despite the relatively cold 850s. Near the bay just isn’t gonna work