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Everything posted by Yardstickgozinya

  1. Nun, die Deutschen können diese verdammte Karte nehmen und sie in ihr verdammtes Kohlloch stecken
  2. I talked to Ruin this morning and we think you guys have no idea what your talking about . Those maps don't show the mean.
  3. I haven't had a chance to check the credibility of the information that I just found, but apparently the black hawks flight commander on the ground signed off on training the mission knowing that the crew was short there left hand side crew cheaf. Apparently, that should have never happened on a training flight at night with heavy air traffic.
  4. No politics, just what seems to be a pretty good explanation of some of what happened.
  5. https://simpleflying.com/faa-air-traffic-controller-applicants-lawsuit/ https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2025/jan/30/faa-diversity-hiring-practices-scrutiny-long-air-d/
  6. Apparently it was a training mission . Unfortunately I heard a recording with Air traffic control and I'm pretty sure I heard a woman screaming right before the recording ends. I'm hoping to hear some good news, but temperatures and time is an unfortunate reality.
  7. You probably already know both United States and Russian figure skaters, Coaches and there families where among the passengers on the American Airlines flight. There was three soldiers on the Black Hawk according to the US Army. I'm assuming they included the pilot as a soldier.
  8. Unfortunately it looks like there might not be any survivors. If what I'm watching is true there could be 66 to 67 fatalities.
  9. It was a Black Hawk helicopter with an American Airlines flight. 12 bodies recovered at this point . Very sad.
  10. -2°F last night in Fairview Township and -4°F in Lisburn. I had another amazing walk last night from around 3:00am untill 6:30am testing new cold gear. I saw several meteors and the lights of the airports , Milltary Depot, Harrisburg, and surrounding towns twinkled beautifully, and bright in the cold air atop Reesers Summit. I stopped at Rutters about 1.5 miles from my house and bought a chocolate milk and banana nut muffin. By the time I finished my walk home my chocolate milk was slush and the muffin was frozen solid. I started my morning walk by taking Ekho out for about 15 minutes. He loves the cold but hates wearing his jackets, so unfortunately he has had to mostly stay home the last few walks.
  11. @WmsptWxShould be reporting in some major witch titty this morning.
  12. I hit 0°F somewhere around 4am and that was as low as I got. My buddy in Lisburn just 4.3 miles away said he hit -3°F
  13. Last night's walk home from Lisbern was equally beautiful.
  14. Its a cold 0°F here in Fairview Township this early morning fellows ,but it's calm and beautiful. I've waited years for this walk and am hoping to go negative before I'm done.
  15. Three different spots checked all 9" to 9.25" Definitely some drifting out here but that's the fastest 9" I've ever seen.
  16. This is current at the corner of Lisbern and Old Stage Rd. Both are closed due to stuck vehicles.
  17. Pics is from 4:08 . Really nice little event out here at my buddy's house in Lisburn. It's homemade chicken and rice soup on the rocket stove tonight.
  18. First off you can have multiple frontal passages in a day. Second, fronts are typically wedges. It can take a day or two for the changes to be felt at surface level or sometimes not at all especially with shallow cold fronts. Third you wouldn't want to call it a Mexican cold front when the sorce of the front is the pv.
  19. I apologize. I meant to say get on my knees for you fellows and pray for some of that white stuff.
  20. I'd get on my knees for both you fellows and pay for some of that white stuff.
  21. Well unfortunately I think he accidentally set his point and click to Harrisburg NC. years ago .
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