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Everything posted by Yardstickgozinya

  1. I just drove home from Mechanicsburg on 114 . Absolutely no salt is down, and there are far ro many people on the roads considering surface temps. I have a bad feeling people are misjudgeding radar and approaching conditions.
  2. Precip started here about 20 minutes ago. Freezing drizzle atp.
  3. I was thinking about a post someone wrote last light. @Ruin are you interested in being part of a thought experiment ?
  4. I agree that things are not looking that impressive atm, but you can see some expansion and deepening to the west over the last 45 minutes. Don't lose sight of the fact that by the time it's precipitating here, it will instantly accret on any untreated surface . It will only take one step to completely Ruin your day.
  5. Yes that was pure insite and skill but these days I use much more time tested and scientific forcasting method called shadow forcasting . You all might as well start referring to me as Punxsutawney Bill from here on out.
  6. Concrete and brick are still coverd , but yes the black top is all good.
  7. @Jns2183 I believe made a post just a few day ago about Reesers Summit being above freezing while it was freezing just a few hundred feet below . I'm less than a mile from the summit at 40.204759,-76.886283 and I just took this from my bedroom window.
  8. I'm not very familiar with how to take advantage of Ai . Someone should use the Weenie Genie to generate a forum mascot
  9. It's not greedy if you deserve it. I grant you one wish.
  10. It's definitely not over yet. I look to hopefully been wrong. It's a mess out fellows stay safe. See you all in a few days.
  11. After looking at things again I don't think the flow will support my idea of convection lifting north of the Dixon or any additional convective development in the valley, but I hope I'm wrong.
  12. Well it looks like the Susquahanna Valley will miss out on the at leat the first round of convection. Hopefully we can get some convection to lift across the Mason Dixon in a few hours.
  13. Rain sleet and snow In Fairview Township at 5:08am
  14. I dont see your map , maybe I miss understood . I've been watching the strokes tonight more than the radar, and the storms are indeed holding it together. The storms are traversing the Alleghenys as I write this. If these can make it over the Tuscarora, I think @CarlislePaWx will get his thunder sleet.
  15. 31°F in Fairview Township and it was just dumping sleet here for about two - three minutes. It's back to light sleet and freezing rain.
  16. Very nice catch. There's an impressive amount of strokes in the OHV tonight. There's two separate main clusters of convection . Ones heading ENE and another less vigorous cluster in OH and Western PA. moving ESE at this hour. Looks like these areas will converge in Western or West Central PA . When I say less vigorous, I'm only referring to the amount of lightning. The cluster of strokes in Weastern PA. resembles a low topped bow echo of freezing rain.
  17. I didn't articulate that properly but I think you get what I'm saying. So theoretically your both right but not really lol.
  18. Maybe I'm confused here but it looks to me one is referring to the actual mid Atlantic region and the other is referring to members posting reagion.
  19. Everything in my hood at ground level is encapsulated in sleet and ice. I fell on my ass and slid about 12' down my driveway.
  20. That would be extraordinary. I have so much I want to add, but due to being ridiculoued in the past by guys, that would skydive into the right entrance reagion of a jet streak I don't want to anymore.
  21. Atmospheric Methane: Comparison Between Methane's Record in 2006–2022 and During Glacial Terminations https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2023GB007875
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