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Everything posted by Yardstickgozinya

  1. I added the oil info because find that most run regular small engine oil in there snow blowers and wounder why it will only throw snow a few feet even with new scraper blades. If the viscosity is too low you can lose 20%-50% torque because all your compression can exit piston cylinder, and or valves. If viscosity is too high and its cold out it will be hard starting and can damage gaskets. When it comes to snowblowers use exactly what the manual says. If it cant be found order it.
  2. I always appreciate your posts Mr. Snowman . I hope my post didn't come across as a lecture towards you. Just giving my own many experiences with graupel . I will be sure to post pics and vids in the future that will leave experienced meso hounds scratching their heads and questioning what and when is possible as far as graupel or some kind of rounded perlite looking ice pellet is concerned in my area.
  3. I don't know if anyone remembers the nocturnal storm that formed and collapsed over Hershey in 2011. It was a rouge storm on a clear night with by far the most powerful strokes of lightning I have ever seen in my life. Even here in New Cumberland the earth shook with every stroke. 2011 was the shit minus all the death and destruction
  4. I think this was the same system that produced the Joplin EF5 on the 22 if I remember correctly . Could be wrong about that but I defiantly remember a tornadic storm around this date. It was a weird cell in that it was very elongated and liner looking but it was one cell with two inflow notches . If I have the right storm it also produced several funnel clouds. I was working in Etters that day the bark was much worse than the bite out there.
  5. Grauple is a lot more common then people think ,and absolutely happens in warmer environments than today . I cant count the times I have seen it at the very beginning of rain events even if it only last 30 seconds, especially at night. Not surprised at all here given the temps.I know for a fact It can happen in any season because I have seen it many times in every season.
  6. Same as any other small engine, the gaskets can dry out and become damaged if its sits to long . If there is gas in it change it out and run it for a few mins twice a year. Its more important than other small engines to use the right oil in snowblowers. Because they will always be operated in low temps there is more gap clearance between piston and cylinder so you will lose alot of compression if the oil is wrong.
  7. Don't let some of the guys her fool you , Sometimes we get into simple patterns that make the models look like they are ok, but its not the models working out its the simple pattern . Unfortunately computer models cant handle any dynamics lol.
  8. I think what you will find over time is that there are no legit weather models for this area of the US at any range, just people that cant or don't want remember yesterday.
  9. Unfortunately making people think the next hecs is just right around the corner has become a profitable business for enough people and agency's now that the next hecs will always be 8-14 days out.
  10. I would be very wary of youtube weather forecasters . They need you to click and comeback and they know who to trigger that reaction in guys like us.
  11. Calling Dr. Kevorkian, Calling Dr. Kevorkian Euthanasia needed in room 2023
  12. Unless there's a retrograde,climb back up the Chesapeake, re tuck, and stall at 222 eh , Its just not good enough unless it dose le loop de loop eh.
  13. Day 4 30% severe weather probability already introduced . Not looking good unless you chase for a living. Day 4-8 Severe Weather Outlook Issued on Feb 27, 2023 Updated: Mon Feb 27 10:02:03 UTC 2023 D4-8 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 Pop. Cities CWAs RFCs Interstates Counties ARTCC FEMA Tribal Day 4 Severe Weather Outlook. A depicted severe weather area indicates 15%, 30% or higher probability for severe thunderstorms within 25 miles of a point. Day 4 Risk Area (sq. mi.) Area Pop. Some Larger Population Centers in Risk Area 30 % 127,091 6,597,282 Shreveport, LA...Jackson, MS...Tyler, TX...Tuscaloosa, AL...Longview, TX... 15 % 161,434 25,644,954 Houston, TX...Dallas, TX...Memphis, TN...Fort Worth, TX...New Orleans, LA... D4 Thu, Mar 02, 2023 - Fri, Mar 03, 2023 D7 Sun, Mar 05, 2023 - Mon, Mar 06, 2023 D5 Fri, Mar 03, 2023 - Sat, Mar 04, 2023 D8 Mon, Mar 06, 2023 - Tue, Mar 07, 2023 D6 Sat, Mar 04, 2023 - Sun, Mar 05, 2023 (All days are valid from 12 UTC - 12 UTC the following day) Note: A severe weather area depicted in the Day 4-8 period indicates 15%, 30% or higher probability for severe thunderstorms within 25 miles of any point. PREDICTABILITY TOO LOW is used to indicate severe storms may be possible based on some model scenarios. However, the location or occurrence of severe storms are in doubt due to: 1) large differences in the deterministic model solutions, 2) large spread in the ensemble guidance, and/or 3) minimal run-to-run continuity. POTENTIAL TOO LOW means the threat for a regional area of organized severe storms appears unlikely (i.e., less than 15%) for the forecast day. Forecast Discussion ZCZC SPCSWOD48 ALL ACUS48 KWNS 270959 SPC AC 270959 Day 4-8 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0359 AM CST Mon Feb 27 2023 Valid 021200Z - 071200Z ...SEVERE WEATHER OUTBREAK POSSIBLE ON D4/THU... ...DISCUSSION... ...Thursday/Day 4... A regional outbreak of severe weather appears increasingly likely Thursday afternoon and Thursday night including the potential for large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes, some of which may be strong. Available guidance is in ample general agreement with the east/northeastward-ejection of an upper trough from the southern Rockies early Thursday to the Ozarks/ArkLaTex by late Thursday night. Owing to a stalling/decaying front early this week, respectable low-level moisture will exist across much of the Deep South in advance of this approaching upper-level system and its related intense deep-layer wind field. Current thinking is that this severe potential should steadily increase across central/eastern Texas and possibly southeast Oklahoma during the day. This risk should only increase/further organize into Thursday evening across the ArkLaTex/ArkLaMiss and Lower Mississippi Valley, and eventually the Tennessee Valley late Thursday night. ...Friday/Day 5... Severe-weather potential is expected to continue to Friday across the Southeast States including Georgia/north Florida and the Carolinas, and possibly as far north as parts of the Mid-Atlantic. This will be as the upper-level trough races northeastward from the Lower Mississippi Valley toward the Ohio Valley/Mid-Atlantic States. Very strong deep-layer winds will coincide with a modestly unstable warm sector ahead of a cold front and/or residual convection from Thursday night. Damaging winds and a few tornadoes could occur across the region.
  14. Mostly all snow here Atm for the first time tonight . Light coating of shit crap in grass and mulch
  15. I cant wait to make fun of the no snow Joe's when its snowing the next few weeks. I looked in my worm bins and it just so happened Pennsatucky Bill was 2 inches deep. That,s a whole 1 " deeper than I have ever been on a good day.
  16. Now that that I got my wake n bake in its 37°f, and Its a great day to be alive.
  17. Yep, I read front page in the paper the other day its been so bad all the main weather foresting agencies are now printing there long and medium range maps on toilet paper, so they can actually use there forecasts again. I here all the extra green on the maps this year is actually just too much free government grape juice.
  18. I apologize. I did mean to say could be under the gun for severe . No conducive parameters close to home as of yet. Didn't mean to give the impression I feel its immanent , although the slight risk for day 6 did expand north and west overnight but still has a way to go to affect cpa.
  19. ATP it looks like we will be under the gun for sever weather late 16th and early the 17th with a favorable kinematic environment foretasted to be not to far west of cpa. The most volatile thermodynamics stay way south of the high kinematic values without much interaction atp . I'm rooting for an overlap, and hell on earth in cpa. Its been way to boring for this weather hound the last few months . Maybe I can get some mood shingles flying around and accumulating in my backyard .
  20. 15% probability has already been issued for day 6 and 7 by the spc.
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